Dungeoneer House Rules

House Rules that my group will use for dungeoneer, posted here for feedback and others to use if they like them. Some rules may be taken from official dungeoneer products or other sources.

During the Hero phase. A character may move a number of spaces(each card is one space) equal to 2 plus their movement divided by 3. This movement does not spend movement points. Movement points are still spent for getting through doors, and other map items that reduce movement, as well as for attempting quests, and initiating combat and counter attacks. This is meant to speed up the game by allowing players to do more on their turn and to encourage more counter attacking and combat.

Map Setup
The map will be set up ahead of the game, before players draw heroes and other cards. The map cards will be separated out into dungeon and wilderness and those cards will be divided into three groups. The first group will be corridors only with peril equal to or less than two. The second group will be cards with three peril or non-corridor cards of two or less. (A corridor card is any card that does not have a brown text box. Extra start cards count as corridors for this purpose.) All other cards are in group three.
A start card for dungeon and wilderness will be placed on the table and each player will take turns putting down a card. Each card must be placed as close as legally possible to the start card. This is mostly to save table space. Note: Dungeoneer Cards that shift the map now must be used in such a way that the shifted card is still connected to the map. Also any card separated from the map will be moved to the nearest legal location. Because there will be no more exploring with this rule all parts of the map have to be connected so that a player can't be permanently stranded.

A player may have no more than three monsters in their pack at the end of their turn.

When attacked by another player during that player's hero phase the player's pack must be defeated before the player can be attacked directly. And the player that is attacked chooses which monster from their pack defends against each incoming attack. However the attacking player does not have to choose which attack of theirs to use until the defending monster is announced.

Players may discard a monster from their pack at any time during their turn, but may not discard when it is not their turn.

Defeating Monsters
When a monster is defeated(slain) the player who defeated it gains a number of glory equal to the monster's peril rating. Traps and other effects that have no hit points cannot be defeated only overcome and thus give no glory.

Trading Glory for a Level
Players may spend 20 glory to gain one level. A player may only rise to level 4 in this manner.

Dungeoneer Bonus Peril
Whenever a hero fails to overcome a monster (takes damage from an attack) during a player's dungeoneer phase that player may assign a bonus peril point to one other player. This point may not be assigned to the player who was attacked by the monster nor to the player who is the dungeoneer.

Player Respawn
When a hero is killed (reduced to 0 hp or less) that hero drops all their treasures at the location they were, discards all boons and the player may choose to respawn at one of the start locations with that hero, or draw another one, keeping all pack monsters (if any were left) and dungeoneer effects.

Hero Draw
All hero cards are shuffled and each player is dealt a single hero. Each player may then choose to keep the hero they are dealt or to discard that hero and be dealt another. If they choose to discard they must keep the new hero they are dealt. If a player chooses to take a new hero during respawn they must take the first hero they draw.

This is a nice compilation of a lot of the most common "house rules" I have seen (and some I use myself). I also like some of the unique innovations.

Something accured to me regarding buying levels with Glory (which I love btw). Here is simple gradiated system
20 Glory buys 1 heroic level (up to level 3)
30 Glory buys 1 epic level (up to level 6)
40 Glory buys 1 legendary level (levels 7+)


Well we played again and had more rules disputes and arguing, didn't seem to detract from the game so I didn't do much about it.

One thing that came up was with escort quests, where a hero takes an item from one place on the map to another. It was argued that the quest to bring the heating stones to the hotsprings could be done with multiple sets of heating stones (a player could get more from their source, and the player to get a set to the hotsprings first would be the one who got the quest). Later the quest to find Emmy came up as a group quest. Again some players argued that because the cards didn't say there was only one emmy the first player who finds and brings an emmy to town gets the quest. Others argued that there should be one and only one Emmy. After all her father isn't looking for "some kid named Emmy" but his child.