(Dungeoneer) what set to start with?

I am eagerly awaiting the Dungeoneer RPG and that has led me to the card game on which it is based (good marketing idea there).

Two questions. What set is recommended to start and what optional rules are most recommended? I saw somewhere that prebuilding the map is recommended for instance.

I play D&D 3.5 a lot and have played many board games like Runebound and card games like Star Wars. I like strategy, cool characters, and the chance for a lot of interaction between players in a board game.


Hello Kravell,

Glad you are interested in Dungeoneer. Tomb of the Lich Lord is generally considered the best to start with.

The best options are summarized in the latest rules available here atlas-games.com/pdf_storage/ ... 2LoRes.pdf

Pre-building the map is a good one, though for your first couple of games I would recommend playing standard rules.