So, in my current game one of the players is playing an Elementalist and over time several problematic questions have presented themselves that I don't have proper answers to.
Summoning Containers
I'm a bit puzzled by the magical containers used in summoning. It suggests that elementalists use containers to carry summoned things around and such, but it does not appear that they could fit an elemental of more than Might 5 into a container and still be able to carry it (Might 10 is the size of a cat, Might 15 the size of a human, and it gets worse from there.)
It's even worse when trying to figure out what to do with philosophical summoning. I saw it suggested in another thread that you could summon a tornado into a pot and then throw it as a kind of tornado grenade... but wouldn't a tornado that fits inside a pot be a really pathetic and tiny grenade? And wouldn't it naturally die out pretty quickly while still in the pot? Similar issues occur for firestorms, and the best a water elementalist seems to be able to manage is a sort of water balloon.
Am I missing something? Do summoning containers somehow shrink and sustain the stuff summoned into them, like some sort of ancient medieval pokeball?
Finally, when using philosophical summoning, are the summons obviously grabbed from the surroundings or do they just sort of materialize? If only a few bears live in a region and an earth Elementalist keeps summoning bears, does he quickly run out of summonable bears?
When you use Controlling to give a command to a creature, how complex can the command be? Is there any reason you can't just command something to be totally loyal to you, and thus skip ever having to using Controlling on it again?