In the examples in 5th Ed for lesser enchanted devices there are a couple of references that don't appear to make sense. I checked the errata and they are not listed so the confusion deepens:
They note that the sample mage is creating a wooden wand which can only hold 2 pawns of vis. Now, I read the table on the previous page that shows size/material vis limits and it shows wood 2, wand x2 which suggests to me that a wooden wand will hold 4 pawns. Where am I getting it wrong?
They note that a bone wand would give +4 for bone and +4 for wand bonus to the spell but the magae only has Magic theory of 4 so the further bonus from bone would be wasted. I can't find any explanation of why that would be. Is there a limit to the form/material bonuses based on your magic theory? If so, where is that noted?
Thanks for your help,