
Had a idea for my players to face some sort of ancient/undead wizard (pre-Order).
He might be from Egypt mostly because they have the belief of a multipule part soul.

The main weapon I was going to give him was Canoptic Jars...
He throws the jars as a "gernade", the jars hold parts of his soul that have been corrupeted (warping).
When the jar break open the Warping fragments, which look like tar, will attack anyone nearby.
If the warping craeture succeds in touching/attacking someone, the target gains the warping the jar had in it.

Each canoptic jar would hold 2-3 warping points.

Tell me what you think about this type of opponent.

The idea that you can excise warping and store it is, I think, an intriging one and certainly something you could hang a great adventure on, if not a whole campaign - the Order would be desperate to acquire such knowledge. On the other hand, such things have to be about as intimate an arcane connection to you as anything, and also probably of great significance to the owner, so I think using them as hand-grenades is a bit ... odd.

Attacks which cause warping are fine, but it feels a little wrong to me in this context. Tricking Magi to sip from an enchanted goblet which causes warping, now that's devious and cruel.

It's an interesting idea, but I believe traditonally there were only 4 canopic jars this could really limit the character's fire-power...

The way I see it, perhaps the character comes from an ancient magical lineage who developed a method for achieving immortality and immunity from the effects of warping by sealing his organs in specially constructed jars which then experience the effects of aging & warping for him.

If I were to do this, I'd first decide whether I want the character to have a Might Score and how to determine the Penetration score for the character's grenades....

Throwing a canopic jar with your liver, stomach, heart et al at your enemy is the equivalent of doing just that: you wouldn't do it since you need them in the afterlife. No canopic jars = no afterlife. No grenades for me.

HOWEVER, he can throw "empty" jars at the enemy. He can have bound spirits to the jars that cause thew warping effect. Or the jars might only contain the warping, but no body parts. In that sense they will be jars, just not canopic ones.

Having a ritual that can remove warping is an amazing idea. Maybe he can distill himself for vis pawns, for example, removing a little bit of his magical knowledge along with the warping. That can make a really old magus there. He does not even need to be dead, only have a powerful longevity ritual. THe OoH would go to any extremes to get that knowledge. Even sacrificing a few young brainless mages to obtain it. Maybe your players are quite encourages by their elders to go there and face the magus? Even if the result is certain half their lifelong warping limit being reached in one day?


I like the general idea of that type of opponent. As one of the other posters stated, these jars hold his body parts, which in Egyptian Mythology, are essential to the afterlife. Now while he may feel no need for the afterlife (he thinks he is immortal), it may be a better idea that to "kill" this opponent, the jars need to be destroyed, otherwise the "wizard" can come back to life. Very Lich-like.

Now if the players somehow get a hold of these jars, they can destroy them, or maybe bargain with the wizard for some goodies.

Of course, breaking the jars may cause an effect, which can be resisted, and, if not, causes warping. That would be cool. ("You break that jar. I broke the last one.")

If this wizard is actually really old, I am sure he will have more powerful spells than just warping.

Have you taken a look at the free issue of Sub Rosa just published? It includes such plot lines and stats to help.