Name: Evangelos of Jerbiton
Age: 21
Background to be provided: He grew up in a family of craftsman in a mid-size town in Greece.
As a young child, he enjoyed watching all the craftsmen in town work. As he grew a bit however, is tendency to stare intently at what they were working seemed to cause folks to become uncomfortable in his presence.
He was found by his Hermetia of Jerbiton at the age of 6. She was easily able to persuade his parents that she could take better care of him.
int: +2 per: +5
com: +2 pre: +1
dex: -2 qui: -2
end: +2 str: -2
Confidence score: 1; points: 3
Personality: Precise (+2), Detail-Oriented (+1), Soft-Spoken (+1)
House Jerbiton
virtue: affinity for Rego
puissant Rego
affinity for Finesse
puissant Finesse
skilled parens
great Perception (2x)
Life Linked Spotaneous Magic
Free: The Gift
Hermetic Magus
Jerbiton minor virtue Book Learner
Flaws: deficient Technique: Intelligo
Overconfident (Major)
optimistic (minor)
loose magic
susceptible to divine power
visions (related to above)
arts: 15 + 3 (80 + 50%) Rego, 3 (6) Anima, 3 (6) Corpus,
3 (6) Herbam, 3 (6) Terram, 3 (6) Vim
Halt the Body (custom) cause on target to stop moving as long as the mage
Rego Corpus 20 R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Ind
(base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Conc)
Rise of the Feathery Body (Rego Corpus 10)
Repel the Wooden Shafts (Rego Herbam 10)
Aegis of the Hearth (Rego Vim 30)
Throw Rock fast (Rego Terram 20)
The Phantom Blacksmith (ReTe 20)
Seven League Strides (ReCo 30)
Sooth the Ferocious Bear (ReAn 10)
[Invisible Glassworker is ReTe 4, so use spontaneous.]
native language (Romaic Greek) 5 (dialect)
Awareness: 2 (15) (searching)
Charm: 1 (5) (first impression)
Brawl: 1 (5) (dodging)
Area Lore: 1 (5) (birth area)
Folk ken: 1 (5) (craftsmen)
Swim: 1 (5) (long distance)
Survival: 1 (5) (coastal)
Magic Theory: 4 (50) (Rego)
Classical Greek: 4 (50) (Hermetic usage)
Code of Hermes: 1 (5) (Tribunal procedures)
Concentration: 1 (5) (spell concentration)
Artes Liberales: 1 (5) (Ritual Magic)
Philosophae: 1 (5) (Ritual magic)
Finesse: 5 + 2 (50 + 50%) (Rego)
Parma Magica: 1 (5) (Rego)
Order of Hermes Lore: 1 (5) (history)
Penetration: 1 (5) (Rego)
Profession - Scribe: 1 (5) (accuracy)
Etiquette: 1 (5) (order of Hermes)
House Jerbiton Lore: 1 (5) (history)
Teaching: 1 (5) (magus)