Ex Misc Development

So Max and I have been tossing ideas back and forth and I've decided on a Ex Misc Magus with Elemental Magic. He's a member of a cult that... well why don't y'all just read the really rough draft of the fluff a friend and I have been working on. But before that I wanted to run something else past y'all, his focus. I was toying with something along the line of a Major Focus in Elemental Creatures ( IE things with a Might Score associated with one of the four elements ). Since I'll be building a Magus who is focused on summoning/commanding Elementals/Elemental Spirits I figured it would be appropriate. Just curious for the group's input! Anyway, as promised, here's that write up!

Apollonius, of Bonisagus.

Apprentice of Bonisagus, ‘integrator’ and discoverer of most of the mysteries of the cult. A very studious figure. His history becomes mysterious/vague in the common lore of the House, though he is still held as a figure of repute due his contributions in the area of elemental magics.

( Spells/Items? Refinements to the forms/guidelines that can be attributed to him? It would be interesting to pick some already existing things in core elemental magic and attribute them to him. )

Disillusioned with the squabbling and infighting of the order after the death of Bonisagus, such as the attempt at domination by the Tremere etc., he chose to begin to conceal/retain most of his discoveries as mysteries instead of fully integrating them and giving them to what he viewed as an as of yet unworthy order at large.

The ‘public’ knowledge of Apollonius is thus limited. The cult believes that were his full range of discoveries to be known that the Order would be forced to hail him as the greatest successor of Bonisagus.

Sekart, of Merenita

An originalist Merenita, follower of the nature mysteries/magic, who broke from the house to found an ex miscellanea tradition to continue the original lineage of his tradition. Collaborated with Apollonius resulting in the integration of some of the lore of the Merenita into the mysteries of the cult. Apollonius and Sekart were covenant-mates who developed a strong bond of friendship, declaring each other Amici.

Part of the proceeds of this, other than the transfer of some of the merenita mysteries into the Disciples of Apollonius, is a strong importation of Sekart’s affinity and respect for nature. While the cult is nominally focused on elemental magic and mysteries they also have come to an almost druidic reverence for nature as the living expression of the elemental concepts that they study and revere directly.

This tie is still strong and there remain strong friendly relations between the Disciples of Apollonius and the ‘Originalist Merenita’ both in House Merenita and Ex Misc.

Selwe, of Diedne

An apocryphal figure that none the less was also a pivotal influence in the early history of the cult. A Diedne Maga who assisted Apollonius in furthering his understanding and refinement of the elemental forms. Much knowledge of Selwe and her teachings have been lost, after the Schism. Theories of lost mysteries and what her exact relationship with Apollonius may have been abound ( Romantic? Professional? Rivalry? All of the above at different times? ). The cult still acknowledges her as a historical fact but isn’t precisely forthcoming about her existence or influence in their founding to outsiders for fear of some kind of perception of ‘taint’ that they have diedne influence in their magic.

Recovery of any of her works could aid in the recovery of these ‘theoretical’ lost mysteries of the cult. What shape they might take is a matter of fiercely contested conjecture.

Originally the composition of the Disciples of Apollonius consisted of the apprentices and close friends/amici of Apollonius, Sekart, and Selwe. During the early times of the Order they spread out, slowly, with the reserve and cautious nature of Apollonius in regards to spreading his knowledge keeping their growth in check.

The idea of personal responsibility for the power of one’s knowledge and the ramifications of teaching it to another were among his most central teachings. Indeed the reason he created the cult instead of simply fully integrating his magic into ‘core’ hermeticism. One of the core elements in the rituals of the cult is that the mystagogue probes the moral/ethical/personality traits of the prospective initiate and must find them acceptable to proceed. This has led to several different philosophical/moral factions in the cult over time, as members of like ideas have gathered together and found differing prospective initiates acceptable or not. The factions still ‘get along’ but sometimes have very stark disagreements.

The moral teachings of the three founders of the cult are now so completely distorted and ‘interpreted’ by modern members that their genuine legacies in moral teachings are left profoundly unclear. All that can be said with genuine certainty is that the cult’s factions believe vastly different things about them and what they espoused

The most turbulent time in the history of the cult was the schism. A fair number of Diedne were members at that time. The cult was violently split and had factions of it’s membership fighting on both sides of the war for most of the conflict. This is another historical fact they admit among each other but do their best to completely conceal from outsiders. ( And also is a source of the rumors of lost knowledge/mysteries with the destruction the cult experienced during that time. )


Here I am thinking something very similar to the guild listing in the GOTF book. Maybe name a few prominent magi in each faction, etc.

Like I said, rough draft and the mysteries haven't even been written up yet, but I just wanted y'all to get an idea where I was going with my character! And to show that there's more than one active person :wink:

You're going to have to be cautious about using "elemental" creatures in the medieval paradigm, where everything is technically an elemental creature. This isn't D&D or WoW, where elementals are big critters made out of flame who live in some alternate plane where everything's made out of fire (or water, or stone, or whatever). I'm concerned about where you're summoning them from, I'm concerned about what they actually are, and I'm concerned (and impressed, to be honest) about the raw amount of time and energy expenditure that goes into making a mystery cult.

That aside, if you do find a way to work "elemental summoning" into the Aristotelian paradigm, it'll be awesome - just be wary about keeping them medieval.

Oh but there are such things! Elementals, as presented in RoP:M are quite literally giant animated piles of their element. Granted they're not the brightest bulbs on the porch... but still! As for the actual summoning and what have you, the premise behind this cult is an integration of the Hedge Wizard Elementalist Tradition into Hermetic Magic. I don't know if you have access to the book, but if you do, please take a look! It will better explain where I'm coming from and what I'm trying to do.

All creatures with a Might Score have it associated with one of the Hermetic Forms, Ghosts are usually Mentem, most Animals are.. well... Animal. But you get the point, no? The idea is that he would have a focus in Creatures with a Might Score associated with one of the four Elements. So let's say that we find a Jinn that is the Loci for a mountain ( Terram Might ), his focus would apply to any of the summoning/commanding spells he tries to cast. However lets say we run into a Giant or a Ghost, no such luck!

I don't have the book, but I like the example you give. Naturally a creature with magical might in its element is predominantly "of" that element - the thing that still has me puzzled, though, is the act of summoning. Negotiating and/or controlling is one thing, but unless you're pulling one out of a nearby element (pulling the stone-ness out of a mountain and giving it form or similar), I'm not sure where you're getting them from.

That's exactly where I'm getting them from! Let me see if I can dig up my Hedge Magic book and find the exact wording... "Summoning is the art of drawing elements from the surrounding area, often drawing them into a prepared shape or medium". Basically if the Elemental / Spirit / Creature isn't present at all ( IE trying to summon a creature of fire out in the middle of the ocean ), I can't just make it appear out of nothing. However if it's within the range of the summon...

Essentially 'Elementals' in this context are not extra-planar beings that are 'summoned' from somewhere else as you appear to be fixated on. They are more akin to golem-like contructs that are, as described by GIJoo, large ammounts of refined, animated, enchanted/invested with vis, elemental matter/energy of their element. They are by RAW creatable with standard hermetic magic, should someone choose to invest in that area of mojo. So there is no violation of the cosmology by trying to summon an elemental from the plane of fire etc. It is more like golem construction.

Returning the my Focus idea, I was looking at HoH:MC while doing some research for part of the Mystery Cult my Ex Misc is a member of. While I was looking I saw a pair of Virtues, Inoffensive and Alluring to (Beings), one of the options is Magical Beings. My question is this, if I make it Elemental Beings ( Magic Realm only ), which is effectively less than half the area covered by Magical Beings, could I combine the two virtues into one? Just wanted to see what everyone thought!

Edit: While thinking about things, if I restricted his Focus to Elemental Beings ( Magic Realm only ) would that make it a minor? Again, just curious.