Another thread spoke of experimentation. To not derail the thread, I'm making a new one about how worthwhile is experimentation.
Experimentation should involve a risk-reward. The question. Is the risk too high for the reward?
Let's do the maths.
Reward maths is easy. A simple dice. If the experimentation works an average of +5.5 to the lab total.
The risk maths is more challenging because it is a stress die and there's bonus botch die. I'll include my working out at then end.
Roughly 2 in 3 seasons with experimentation nothing bad happens. 1 in 3 seasons bad things happen. 1 in 20 seasons, the outcome is catastrophic. Exploding labs,destroyed items, etc.
For a maximum bonus of 10, and an average of 5.5, 1 in 3 seasons bad things happening, just seems too high a cost for any but the fanatic.
The maths
0 - assuming an aura of 3, and rounding, 4% botch (3.6 catastrophic result, 0.4% bad result) , 6% no extraordinary effect.
1-4 - No extraordinary effect - 31% decent outcome. (rolls of 2,3 or 4 and +1% for 1 then 2)
5-6 side effect - 1 in 5 are bad enough to say season ruined, 4 in 5 acceptable 16.5% decent outcome 4.5% bad outcome.(+1% for a 1 then a 3)
7 - no benefit - 10% not bad outcome, but no benefit.
8 - complete failure - 10.0% season wasted (+1.1% 1 then 4 & 1, then 1, then 2) 1.1% catastrophic result ( 1 in 10 chance object working on destroyed).
9 - special event - 10% weird.
10 - discovery 1% (1 then 5)
11 - impossible without exceptional risk
12 - roll twice 5.9% (as 1 bad result taints the outcome, 1.5% decent, and I've shared out the 4.4%)
56% decent outcome (keep bonus dice, no truly bad side effect, and a small part of the 56% may have a minor benefit)
1% - amazing outcome (discovery)
10.6% - lose bonus die, but no bad effect.
10.6%- story event (it would need an incredibly generous SG to say experimentation causing a story event won't ruin the season.)
16.8% bad outcome - wasted season
5% catastrophic result.