Familiar of Vengeance?

Not quite thread necromancy but I once asked about protecting a horse from dying of shock at the end of "Steed of Vengeance" spell.

If a magus' Familiar was also their steed, and they wanted to enchant the Familiar Bond with a "Steed of Vengeance" effect, what needs to be done to keep the Familiar alive?
(would the Bronze Cord score help?)

Also, if the Familiar is a Hippogriff rather than a Horse?

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Yes, certainly.

Invent a version of the spell where the steed does not die.


What is required to prevent the dying of shock possibility when the effect stops?

Adding a magnitude would be sufficient in my saga.


as I see it the stamina roll for the horse to survive could be seen in one of two ways- shock because the poor animal had no idea what was coming, in which case familiars would be immune, or it was a result of a glitch in lab experimentation, since there is nothing else in spell development that would result in this kind of effect. So simply re-inventing the spell without lab text or experimentation should suffice.


I see the Stamina roll as a minor flaw built into the spell due to experimentation. So I concur with silveroak on that.