Feng Shui 2 (Kickstarter Playtest Ed) Archetype Corrections

First of all, I've already sent this list of issues to the playtest e-mail, but I thought I'd share it with anyone else that's trying to playtest it too. I suspect some of this has already been posted here too.

Not being privy to the entire history of the game's development and testing, I'm not entirely sure how many of these errors are intentional and how many are simple mistakes. Were the values of some damages or shticks changes for gameplay purposes on the archetype without going back to update the corresponding other sections of the book? (I'm looking at your Excorcist monk staff damage, Private Investigator revolver damage, and Supernatural Creature Transformation shot cost) or were these just simple mistakes?

I tried to be detailed on it, but I may have missed a few of the gun corrections on the Archetypes listings. Also, the gun chapter is a little messy, so it was hard to always know if things were wrong because there isn't a good "right" to compare them against.

Also, I wasn't overly in-depth in my analysis of available Gun, Driving, Sorcery, and Fu Schticks for advancement tracks. I've largely assumed that all of the schticks are accessible to one or more archetypes as those are fairly common schtick types across the dozens of archetypes. I was more detailed in my looking at Creature Powers, Mutant Powers, and Scroungetech Schticks, as it was easier to see strangeness with so many fewer archetypes having access to them.

Bow and Arrow weapon should not have a reload value.
Shouldn't Signature Weapon be part of the Advancement track for the Archer?
On the Advancement track: Firm Grip (which enhances auto-fire) seems like an odd option for an Archer.
On the Advancement track: Battle Scavenge, which aids in finding a gun among the dead when you fail a reload check, seems like an odd option for an archer that doesn't need to worry about reloading.

Big Bruiser
Shotgun is listed as 13, without concealment, reload, or even asterisks to denote pump action. I went with 13*/5/4.
Upon advancement, Big Bruisers have access to Fu Powers that cost Chi, can they spend their fortune to use those powers?
Is it intentional that the Big Bruiser not have access to the Path of the Hundred Names, which boosts survival?

Fast Draw I should read "Add 2 to your Initiative result. Your first action of the sequence must use Guns."

Bounty Hunter
Fast Draw I should read "Add 2 to your Initiative result. Your first action of the sequence must use Guns."
The Remington shotgun is a pump action, and so should have 13* as base damage. The Signature weapon therefor does 16*

Is there a reason a cyborg is limited to only a handful of Scoungetech options upon advancement? Is there a reason they can't take Plasma Tubules, Reflex Ramper, or Subdermal Plating, but the Full Metal Nutball can?

K2 Rifle should have damage 13** (+1 bonus vs mooks) instead of 13* (which denotes pump action shotgun). This error is common in the rifle section of the guns chapter too.

Everyday Hero
Martial Arts should have an Asterisk, as everyday "all American" heroes don't know kung-fu.
Upon advancement, the Everyday Hero has access to Fu Paths with powers that use Chi, can they spend Fortune in place of Chi?

Ex-Special Forces
For the Squad should read "When you assist an ally with an attack boost, the attack costs the ally only 2 shots."
Weapon values do not match those of the guns chapter:
HK 45c: 10/2/3
HK mp5: 10/5/1
M16: 13**/5/1
Upon advancement, Ex-Special Forces has access to Gun Schtick that cost Fortune to activate. Can they spend their Chi instead of Fortune?

Exorcist Monk
Staff damage is 9 not 10
This Archetype lacks any skills at all, and should probably have some low Info skills at least. Eastern Philosophy or Religion?

Full Metal Nutball
Upon advancement, this archetype has better access to scroungetech than a cyborg? Should this be limited to non-implanted schticks like it is for Highway Ronin?

Shouldn't the Martial Arts attack have an Asterisk to denote street fighting?
Fast Draw I should read "Add 2 to your Initiative result. Your first action of the sequence must use Guns."

Gene Freak
Archetype listing should probably include Freakout feature of mutants chapter.
This character lacks any skills at all, and should probably gain a low level info skill for character development purposes: Maybe Warlord Territories or Survivor Enclaves.
Because Gene freaks are the only characters with access to mutant powers, limiting their options upon advancement leaves a large chunk of the mutant powers in chapter 10 inaccessible to any character, including some cool ones like Imposiblist, which would work great with the Archetype.
Is there a reason that upon advancement, gene freaks don't have access to scroungetech non-cybernetics like a Highway ronin or Full metal nutball?

Technically, ghosts are Supernatural Creatures (as defined in the supernatural creature section because they have creature powers) and should have Horrific Appearance, providing Intimidation 9. They are specifically exuded from having Deceptive Speed.
Horrific Appearance may interfere with the romance theme on ghosts, and so should probably be specifically excluded from the archetype specifically, much like Deceptive speed.
Damage Immunity: Bullets is color coded as a creature power, but does not exist in the creature power section, and should probably be altered to be a unique schtick.
The limited access to Creature Powers upon advancement and the default options for Supernatural Creatures and Ghosts means that there are a number of Monster powers that are impossible to take, including: Courtier of the Yama Kings, Demon Punch, Deserter from the Hell of Flaying, Emit Smoke Screen, Empathic Rage, Exile form the Hell of Dismemberment, Flashback from the Hell of Knives, Monstrous Foot Stomp, Rage Against Machines, and School of Piercing.
The Ghost advancement track includes a powers that either doesn't exist anymore, or has had its names changed: Hellish Tolerance.

Highway Ronin
The rating of Swerve II should be +2 not +4.
This character lacks any skills beyond Drive, and should probably gain at least a low level Info skill for character customization purposes. Maybe Warlord Territories or Lost Highways.
Upon advancement, this character has better access to non-implanted scroungetech than a Cyborg?
Upon advancement, this character has the options for increasing skills, but has no skills to increase besides Drive 14 to 15. It has no options for taking on new skills. I would recommend Fix-it, Medicine, Sabotage, Deceit, Intimidation, etc.
Given their post-apocalypse origin, might not a Highway ronin gain (limited) mutant powers (and the freak out that goes with it) as an Advancement option? I'd limit this to mutant powers that don't cost Genome points and let them use Marital Arts (not Guns like with their Srcoungetech options) in place of Mutant.

Karate Cop
The shotgun should have damage 13* denoting it's pump-action status.
Upon advancement, this character has access to Fu schticks that cost Chi to activate. Can they spend Fortune in place of Chi?

Beretta M12 should be 10/5/6
The Sniper Rifle is listed at 13 damage, but possibly should be 13**, although the rifle section is messy and does not specify it this way (although rifle section of the guns chapter also lists an M16 as pump action)

Magic Cop
The shotgun is pump action and should have 13*
Upon Advancement this Archetype has access to Gun Schticks that require Fortune to activate. Can they spend Magic in place of Fortune?

Martial Artist
Whirl of Fury does 14 damage, not 12.

Masked Avenger
The armor values for the Police Shell do not match those later in the book, or even the details listed directly below it. It should be 5/25/0*
Upon Advancement, this character has access to Fu Powers that require chi to activate. Can they use their Fortune in place of Chi?
The Masked Avenger advancement track does not provide access to new skills. I'd recommend Drive at the very least.

Maverick Cop
Hot Pursuit should read "Spend 1 Fortune to get +2 Driving until next keyframe when you are the pursuer in a vehicle chase"
The shotgun is pump action and should have damage 13*

Why does a ninja have Fix-it instead of Sabotage?
Is it intentional that the Ninja does not have access to the Sword path upon advancement?

Old Master
The advancement options for the Old Master are only Fu Schtick, with no options for new skills or current skill advancement.

Private Investigator
Shouldn't the Martial Arts attack have an Asterisk to denote street fighting?
The gun's damage is 8/2/4 not 9/2/5

Redeemed Pirate
Shouldn't a Cutlas, as a sword, do 10 damage, not 11?

Why not just list Umbrella damage as 7 for others instead of noting it as -3? That woul d make it similar to how the damage is listed for for the Archeologist Whip. Also, this is mechanically similar to Signature weapon, but doesn't make the umbrella invulnerable, and in theory you could stack Signature Weapon on it again, gaining a damage value of 13. Is that intentional or should it be listed as a (fu schtick) Signature weapon schtick (Umbrella) on the Archetype?

Why is the Heal Wounds magic schtick the only source of healing that is limited to targets that haven't already been healed? No such restriction is on the Healing Fu, creature powers, or scroungetech options.

Supernatural Creature
Natural weapon provides +2 to all creature attacks, not base 13 damage. That would give supernatural creatures a base damage of 9 (unarmed 7 +2). Base 13 damage would also make Demon Punch a useless schtick. I'd actually recommend giving the archetype Demon Punch instead of Natural Weapon, as this would make it possible to enhance later with Natural Weapon.
Transformation I does not match the description in the Creature Powers chapter. It says 9 shots to transform in that chapter instead of 3. I'm not sure which speed is intended, but the existence of a Monstrous Stomp creature power would lend credence towards a 3 shot version instead of a 9 shot version.
Gruesome Appearance has a rating of Intimidation 12, while the Horrific Appearance in the Creature Powers Chapter would provide intimidation 9 to a character that otherwise lacks the intimidation skill. Shouldn't this be Intimation 9 a a skill, and Horrific Appearance giving a +2 when in monstrous form? Gruesome appearance as written now does not allow for advancing Intimidation.
The archetype lacks any skills at all. It should probably have an Info skill for flavor purposes, such as Underworld or Chinese Hells.
Upon advancement, the Supernatural Creature has no options for gaining new skills. They also lack skills, making the options for advancing skills useless. I'd recommend skills like Deceit, Seduction, Intimidation, and of course Info (your choice).
The limited access to Creature Powers upon advancement and the default options for Supernatural Creatures and Ghosts means that there are a number of Monster powers that are impossible to take, including: Courtier of the Yama Kings, Demon Punch, Deserter from the Hell of Flaying, Emit Smoke Screen, Empathic Rage, Exile form the Hell of Dismemberment, Flashback from the Hell of Knives, Monstrous Foot Stomp, Rage Against Machines, and School of Piercing.
The Supernatural Creature advancement track includes two powers that either don't exist anymore, or have had their names changed: Hellish Tolerance and Webbed Feat.

Sword Master
Upon advancement, the sword master should be able to take more schticks in the Sword Fu Path, but currently that is not listed as an option.

Hightailing It should read: "Spend 1 Fortune to get +2 Driving until next keyframe when you are the evader in a vehicle chase."
The car has Feng Shui 1 stats instead of Feng Shui 2 stats. It should probably be Acceleration 9, Handling 7 (Sequel 9), Frame 6 (Crunch 8)
Upon advancement, the Thief has access to Fu Schticks that cost Chi to activate. Can they spend Fortune in place of Chi?

Transformed Dragon
Is it intentional that the Transformed Dragon has no skills, due to the Omnicompetent power? I personally think they should start with at least Info (High Society) or similar.

Two-Fisted Archeologist
Shouldn't the Martial Arts attack have an Asterisk to denote street fighting?