Feng Shui 2 Subscription Questions/News

Hello again Michelle,

Sorry to bother you again, but is the coupon code emailed to subscribers? I don't seem to have ever gotten an email about it... or any emails about my subscription in general... but I'm also clearly subscribed, because when I try to subscribe, your website tells me that me email account is already signed up. I can get your system to email me the link to change my subscription details, but that's literally just my name and email address in your files. It doesn't result in me getting any other information about the subscription. I am finding the process very confusing.

I know I used the code on the relevant items in the order I placed the night I signed up. I think it displayed on screen when I signed up, but I didn't realize it was a thing I had to save or that I wouldn't be able to see that message again. I guess I assumed it would be stored on my store account, or emailed to me, or something like that.

It's not a big deal tonight because the 10% on any one PDF is nothing to sweat over, but I'm curious about the future. If the game continues to get expansions over time, and I decide I need future titles in hardcover, it could add up.

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@Bergstrom Replying to this via PM, since it involves a code.

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Thank you, again! The text of the PM you sent seemed familiar, so I suspect the original was sent by the automated system, and just somehow got deleted. I can only conclude it must have been user error on my part. :blush: Thank you for your excellent customer service.

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Now 2021 is over, is there anything planned for 2022 ?

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We'll be sending out an announcement in the next couple of days.

Feng Shui Subscription Retired

We've published three amazing adventures for Feng Shui, and couldn't be happier that your subscription let us support the game! But we also hit some big bumps in the road, especially when it came to finding a reliable solution to process orders automatically. Because of this, we're retiring the Feng Shui subscription program.

That's not the end for Feng Shui, though! We have some excellent projects in development, including larger books that are guaranteed to knock your socks off. Look for a new crowdfunding campaign announcement for Feng Shui in 2022!

In the meantime, if you haven't already used your 10% off coupon for all Feng Shui titles in our web store, do that by the end of January when it's set to expire. Then join our other fans on the Feng Shui Forum!

Thank You, Dragons!

Again, thank you for being a Feng Shui subscriber! You made it possible to support our favorite RPG with heart-pounding new releases in 2021.

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Hey there!

Firstly, thanks for the books this year, truely awesome work! We've had much fun with the adventures (and still one to go).

Secondly. Any hints on the kickstarter stuff for next year? :wink:

Thirdly, hope everyone reading this has a fantastic festive period and an even more fantastic 2022 when it gets here.

Kind regards,

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You're welcome! We really enjoyed being able to support Feng Shui with the adventures.

The hint on the crowdfunding is that we're working on a "larger book." :slight_smile:




Sold! :wink:

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Double sold!

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tHAT'S gREaT!!! :star_struck:

Are there still plans for more Feng Shui? I love this setting and system.


I'm afraid our aspirations outpaced our actual bandwidth. We're focusing on other projects right now.

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That's sad news. I was really hoping for more Feng Shui. Thank you for the honest update, even if it's not the answer I wanted.


That's very sad!