I had a go at creating my own archetypes for this, from a similar base. Critique:
Each built on 6 Primary + 6 Secondary attribute points, 30 Skill points and 5 schticks. Default Wealth level is Working Stiff. Poor gives an extra schtick, Rich costs one. 1 Primary = 3 Secondary = 1 Schtick = 5 Skill points
Alien Sidekick
You're a non-human in what has, with the advent of the Empire, become a human's galaxy. Your people might have withdrawn to their homeworld, or even been enslaved by the new regime. When travelling around the galactic Core you may face discriminatory laws and even outright racism.
Bod 5
For 0 [Max 3]
Mnd 5
Ref 5
Add 8 points to Primary attributes.
Alien Powers +9 (=14)
Blaster +4 (9) [Max 12]
Martial Arts +4 (9) [Max 13]
Intimidation +4 (9) or Deceit +4 (9)
Add 8 Skill bonuses.
Schticks: Any 5 Alien Power, Blaster or Weapon schticks.
Weapons: Two appropriate weapons.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Alien Power:
Wealth level: Working stiff
Bounty Hunter
"There’s a price on your head and I mean to collect."
You track down criminals and unfortunates for money.
Bod 5
For=0 (Des=3)
Mnd 5
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes.
Blaster +7 (=14)
Deceit +3 (8) [Max 12]
Gadgets +5 (10) [Max 13]
Info/Underworld Politics +3 (8)
Martial Arts +3 (8) [Max 11]
Piloting +6 (11)
Add 3 Skill bonuses.
Schticks: Five of any combination of Blaster and Gadget schticks.
Weapons: Five appropriate weapons.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Blaster: 10,000 Bolts, Fast-Draw, Hair-trigger Neck Hairs.
Gadget: Armour, Damage Immunity.
Weapons: Blaster carbine, twin blaster pistols, vibroblade, brace of grenades.
Wealth level: Rich
Clueless Sap
"Hey, what'd you that for?"
There are those who choose the life of the Rebel, having debated the issue with themselves before finally reaching a decision. Then there are those who fall into it, largely oblivious to what is going on around them, surviving more by luck than judgement. You fall squarely into the latter category, momentous events happen around you and you don't even know it. You're brave, kind-hearted and believe everyone deserves an even chance.
Bod 5
For 0 (Des=10)
Mnd 5 (Wil 6)
Ref 5
Add 5 points to Primary attributes. Add 1 point to a Secondary attribute
Piloting +4 (9) [Max 14]
Blaster +4 (9) [Max 13]
Martial Arts +4 (9) [Max 13]
Info/Starships +6 (11)
Info/Holo-dramas +4 (9)
Repair +4 (9)
Add 4 Skill bonuses. Feel free to swap the Info skills for other similarly low-brow interests.
Schticks: Everyman Hero's Unique Schtick plus any 3 Blaster or Weapon schticks.
Weapons: One appropriate weapon.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Blaster: Eagle Eye II, Signature Weapon.
Weapon: Sporting blaster.
Wealth level: Working Stiff
Ex-Special Forces
"Listen up people, I've got a plan. We do this just like it went down on Drongar…"
You're a veteran of the Clone Wars who was unable to give up the fight. Perhaps you've been doing it so long you don't know how to do anything else. Maybe you were so changed by it you couldn’t get the same kick out of civilian pursuits. Or perhaps you resent the outcome of the conflict and continue the war by other means as best you can.
Bod 5
For=0 (Des 4)
Mnd 5
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes. Add 2 points to Secondary attributes.
Blaster +9 (=14)
Leadership +2 (7)
Martial Arts +5 (=10)
Piloting +7 (=12)
Sabotage +4 (9)
Add 3 Skill bonuses. Switch Blaster and Martial Arts if desired.
Schticks: Any five Blaster or Weapon schticks.
Weapons: Five appropriate weapons.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Blaster: Carnival of Carnage III, Cover Fire, Hair-trigger Neck Hairs.
Weapons: Blaster rifle, blaster pistol, vibroblade, knife, brace of grenades.
Wealth level: Working stiff
Failed Jedi
"Yeah I was one of them Jedi once. We parted company, probably for the best."
The Force runs strong in you, so much so that the Jedi Order recruited you as an infant. Yours was an august destiny, great deeds in service were foretold. But it all went wrong somewhere. Perhaps you just weren't cut out for a life of monastic devotion and unemotional reflection. Perhaps you were too wild and reckless and deemed unsuitable material for a Jedi. Regardless of the cause, you never reached the Trials for Knighthood. You left the Order as a Padawan, and took on a more normal life. With Order 66 your life changed. Bounty hunters came for you, and despite not being associated with the Order for years, suddenly you were a target.
Bod 5
For 0 (Sen 4)
Mnd 5
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes. Add 2 points to Secondary attributes
Blaster +5 (10) [Max 13]
Deceit +5 (10) or Intimidation +5 (10)
Force Powers +5 (9) [Max 12]
Info/Jedi History +3 (8)
Martial Arts +4 (9) [Max 11]
Add 8 Skill bonuses. Swap bonuses and caps for Blaster and Martial Arts if desired.
Schticks: Divination, plus either one Force Power and three Blaster/Weapon schticks or four Blaster/Weapon schticks.
Weapons: Two appropriate weapons
Quick Schtick Pick:
Force Powers: Divination, Influence
Blaster: Both Guns Blazing III
Weapons: Twin blaster pistols.
Wealth level: Working Stiff
Force Adept
There are Force traditions which pre-date the Jedi Order, along with those which spring up from time to time around a particular individual or group. You are trained in one of these other philosophies of the Force. You might be a martial Matukai adept who channels the force into unarmed martial arts, or one of the survivalist Zeison Sha, a Jal Shey initiate, or one of countless others. Some are more militant than others, and hold differing views on violence and the role of introspection and meditation.
Bod 5
For 0 (Sen 5)
Mnd 5 (Wil 6)
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes.
Deceit +5 (10) or Leadership +5 (10)
Force Powers +5 (10) [Max 13]
Info/[Force Tradition] +5 (10)
Info/[your choice] +2 (8)
Martial Arts +5 (10) or Blaster +5 (10) [Max 12]
Add 8 Skill bonuses. Switch caps for Force Powers and Blaster/Martial Arts if desired.
Schticks: Any 5 Force Powers or Blaster/Weapon schticks.
Weapons: One appropriate weapon.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Force Powers: Divination, Influence, Movement.
Weapon schticks: Razor-keen Reflexes, Signature Weapon.
Weapons: Vibrosword.
Wealth level: Working Stiff
Jedi Survivor
"I must do this, it is the will of the Force that it comes to pass."
With Order 66 the light of the Jedi Order faded from the galaxy. Or so the Empire would have everyone believe. You're one of the survivors, somehow you managed to escape the grisly fate of most of your comrades. Perhaps you were able to fight off your former clonetroopers, maybe you were away from the fighting fronts, perhaps someone warned you in time. Unfortunately surviving Great Purge isn’t the end of the story. You're now public enemy number one, there's a bounty out for any Jedi caught and revealing yourself might bring the full might of the Empire to bear.
Bod 5
For 0 (Sen 6)
Mnd 5
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes. Add 3 points to Secondary attributes.
Martial Arts +7 (=12)
Force Powers +8 (=14)
Info/Jedi History +3 (8)
Investigation +5 (10) or Piloting +5 (10)
Add 8 Skill bonuses. Swap Martial Arts and Force Power ratings if desired. Feel free to switch Investigation or Piloting for something else more appropriate to the kind of Jedi you’re playing.
One other Force Power
3 of any mix of Force Powers and Weapon schticks
Weapons: Lightsaber
Quick Schtick Pick:
Force Powers: Divination, Healing, Movement.
Weapon schticks: Symphony of Slaughter II.
Wealth level: Poor
"Double or nothing, what do you say?"
You get by on your wits, skill and often, luck.
Bod 5
For=0 (Des 5)
Mnd 6
Ref 6
Add 4 points to Primary attributes. Add 1 point to a Secondary attribute.
Blaster +5 (11) [Max 13]
Deceit +5 (11)
Gambling +6 [Max 14]
Martial Arts +2 [Max 10]
Piloting +9 (=15)
Add 8 Skill bonuses. May swap Martial Arts for Gadgets or Alien Powers if desired.
Schticks: 4 Blaster or Weapon schticks.
Weapons: Any two weapons.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Blaster: Fast Draw III, Signature Weapon.
Weapons: Heavy blaster, holdout blaster in hidden rig.
Wealth level: Working stiff
Tech Specialist
"Now if I just connect the hyperdrive motivator coil to the flux capacitor – oh no!"
Machines speak to you. Not in words, so much as you understand them in the same way other people read each other.
Bod 5
For 0 (Des 2)
Mnd 7 (Per 9)
Ref 5 (Dex 7)
Add 4 to Primary attributes.
Repair +6 (=15)
Piloting +6 (=15)
Blaster +4 (11) [Max 13]
Info/Science +4 (11)
Info/[Your choice] +2 (9)
Gadgets +5 (=14)
Add 8 Skill bonuses.
Schticks: Techie's Unique schtick, plus 3 Blaster or Gadget schticks.
Weapons: One appropriate weapon.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Gadget: Blast, Damage Immunity, Low-light Goggles.
Weapon: Blaster pistol.
Wealth level: Working stiff
Young Senatorial
"How dare you apprehend my ship like this, Captain, I am a member of the Imperial Senate and I will not be treated like a common criminal!"
You were born into a rich and powerful old family, perhaps from a founding world of the Republic in the Core, now the heart of the Empire.
Bod 5
For 0 (Des 2)
Mnd 5 (Int 6, Cha 6)
Ref 5
Add 6 points to Primary attributes. Add 2 points to Secondary attributes.
Deceit +9 (=15)
Leadership +5 (11) or Seduction +5 (11)
Blaster +7 (12) [Max 13]
Martial Arts +4 (9) [Max 13]
Info/Politics +3 (9)
Info/High Culture +3 (9)
Add 4 Skill bonuses.
Schticks: Spy's Unique Schtick, plus two Blaster or Weapon schticks.
Weapons: Two appropriate weapons.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Weapons: Vibrorapier, duelling blaster.
Wealth level: Rich