This is for posting completed Grogs
Tweedledum (28) / Tweedledee (28)
Quick Overview : Twin brothers who lived around Athens. They were branded criminals after being caught poaching. Were fleeing on the boat and found Argyros kind of amusing.
Flaws : Carefree, branded criminals
Virtues : Warrior, Percing Gazes
Characteristics : For 2 / Dex 0 / Qui 1 / Sta 3 / Int 0 / Pre 0 / Com -2
Personality :
- Carefree 2
- Cynical 1
Native Language (Greek) 5
30 Greece Area Lore 3 (countryside)
05 Area Lore Athenes 1 (harbor)
05 Athletics 1 (running)
30 Awareness 3 (keeping watch)
30 Swim 3 (diving)
30 Survival 3 (forest)
50 Single Weapon 4 (Short sword)
30 Great Weapon 3 (Long Spear)
30 Bows 3 (short bow)
30 Craft (bows) 3
05 Craft (arrows) 1
15 Hunt 2 (tracking)
30 Chirurgy 3 (cauterization)
30 Animal handling 3 (dogs)
30 Folk Ken 3 (townsfolk)
30 Brawl 3 (knives)
30 Bargain 3 (food)
5 Survival 1 (harbor)
Knives: Init 1 / Atk 4 / Def 4 / Dmg 4
Short Sword (Tweedledee): Init 2 / Atk 7 / Def 6 / Dmg 7
Long Spear (Tweedledum): Init 4 / Atk 6 / Def 5 / Dmg 9
Short Bow: Init 0 / Atk 6 / Def 4 / Dmg 8
Soak Tweedledee: 5 (Metal Reinf Leather Partial)
Soak Tweedledum: 5 (Metal Reinf Leather Partial)
Load Tweedledee: 2+1+2 = 5 (burden 0)
Load Tweedledum: 2+3+2 = 7 (burden 1)
formatting unfinished (away from books)
Hector, Mage Body Guard
Hector is a strange person, strong and hardened, but his movements are strange and his speech has growls and yelps in it.
He remembers his name, the faces of his parents, and that he used to live in a village where the people spoke Greek. He also remembers the face of the Huntress, a fairie that turned him into a hunting dog, which he served in that form for several years.
He had almost lost himself to his beast nature, when the magi of Ordo Parthenos freed him, made him human again and took him to their covenant. He feels he owes them his very being. He’s probably the most loyal grog ever, which is why he’s an ideal bodyguard, although there are certainly better fighters in the turb.
Characteristics: Int -1, Per+3, Pre-2, Com-2, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex+1, Qik+1
Size: 0
Age: 23(23)
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 0(3)
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Keen Sense of Smell, Tough, Warrior; Afflicted Tongue (dog-like sounds), driven: defend the magi, fear: Fairies
Personality traits: Loyal+6, dog+3, Brave+1
Repuations: none
Short Sword and Heater Shield Init+2, Attack+9 Defense+10 Damage+7
Fist Init+1 Attack+4 Defense+4 Damage+2
Soak: +5 (unarmored)
Fatigue levels: -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound levels: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Animal Handling 2 (dogs), Area Lore Ordo Parthenos (geography) 1, Athletics 3 (running), Awareness 4 (ambush), Brawl 2 (fist), Carouse 1 (staying sober), Chirurgy (binding wounds) 1, Folk ken (magi), Greek (about animals) 5, Guile (lying about the supernatural), Hunt 5 (tracking), Order of Hermes Lore (grogs), Stealth 3 (natural areas), Survival 4 (forest), Swim (stay afloat) 1, Single Weapon 4 (short sword)
Equipment: Short sword and heater shield (bearing the arms of Ordo Parthenos), practical clothes and boots
Encumbrance: 0(0)
Castor, a sailor
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 1, Pre 0, Com 0, Str 1, Sta 1, Dex 2, Qik 1
Size: 0
Age: 26(26)
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 0(0)
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Perfect balance, Puissant Profession: Sailor, Well-travelled; Reckless, Social Handicap (Constant Swearing), Weakness (gambling)
Personality traits: Brave+2, Reckless+3, lazy+1
Repuations: none
Dagger Init+1, Attack+9 Defense+6 Damage+4
Fist Init+1 Attack+5 Defense+4 Damage+1
Longbow Init-1 Attack+11 Defense+7 Damage+7
Soak: +1 (unarmored)
Fatigue levels: -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound levels: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Abilities: Area Lore Aegean (ports) 2, Athletics (Climbing) 3, Awareness (horizon) 2, Bargain (port) 2, Brawl (dagger) 4, Bow (short) 5, Carouse (gambling) 3, Charm (seduction) 1, Craft: tailor (sails) 2, Folk Ken (sailors) 2, Greek (sailing) 5, Guile (avoid work) 2, Italian (sailor’s terminology) 1, Order of Hermes Lore (grogs) 1, Profession Sailor (Aegean ) 5+2, Survival (at sea) 2, Swim (dive) 3
Equipment: Longbow*, arrows, dagger, clothes *weapon only carried when ordered to do so, stored aboard the ship
Encumbrance: Burden: 1(Load: 2)
Grog number 1
Karpos, Ship's cook (grog):
Trained as a sailor in the islands around the Aegean, Karpos lost his eye early in his career, fighting some pirates. His ability to sail somewhat diminished, but with the crew unwilling to give up his formidable size, he was given the post of ship's cook; a job he has taken on without grumbling, and shown some skill at.
Characteristics: Int 0, Per -1, Str 2, Sta 3, Pre -1, Com 0, Dex 0, Qik 0
Size: +1
Age: 28 (28)
Decrepitude: 0
Virtues: Covenfolk, Enduring Constitution, Large
(Fatigue penalties -1; Wound penalties -1; +3 resist pain)
(Size +1)
Flaws: Busybody, Missing Eye
(-3 missile attack; -1 melee attack; Blind side)
Personality: Loyal +2, Irascible +1, Perfectionist +1
Fist: +0 Init, +4 Attack, +4 Defense, +2 Damage
Knife (kitchen): +0 Init, +5 Attack, +4 Defense, +4 Damage
Soak: 3 (unarmoured)
Fatigue: 0,0,0,-2,-4,Unconscious
Wounds: 0 (1-6), -2 (7-12), -4 (13-18), Incapacitated (19-24)
Greek 5 (Sailing)
Turkish 3 (Bargaining)
Italian 2 (Bargaining)
Brawl 4 (Wrestling)
Swim 2 (Aiding others)
Athletics 3 (Running)
Folk Ken 3 (Sailors)
Area Lore (Cyclades) 3 (Legends)
Profession (sailor) 2 (Near shore)
Craft (cooking) 5 (rationing)
Carouse 2 (No hangover)
Bargain 3 (Food markets)
Survival 2 (Foraging)
Music 1 (Sea shanties)
Animal Handling 2 (Poultry)
Chirurgy 2 (Binding wounds)
Etiquette 1 (Ships' officers)
XP spend
0-5 years:
Greek 5
Brawl 2 (15)
Swim 2 (15)
Athletics 1 (5)
Folk Ken 1 (5)
Area Lore (Cyclades) 1 (5)
Later Life 23*15 = (345XP remaining)
Brawl 4 (35) (310 remaining)
Profession (sailor) 2 (15) (295)
Craft (cooking) 5 (75) (220)
Carouse 2 (15) (205)
Bargain 3 (30) (175)
Folk Ken 3 (25) (150)
Turkish 3 (30) (120)
Italian 2 (15) (105)
Area Lore (Cyclades) 3 (25) (80)
Music 1 (5) (75)
Survival 2 (15) (60)
Animal Handling 2 (15) (45)
Athletics 3 (25) (20)
Chirurgy 2 (15) (5)
Etiquette 1 (5)
Grog number 2.
Vassos, Ship's Lookout (grog):
A carefree young man. He joined the ship just as something to do after wandering southern Greece for some years. With no great aptitude for sailing but excellent eyesight, he can usually be found at the masthead keeping watch.
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +3, Str -1, Sta -2, Pre -1, Com -1, Dex +3, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 20 (20)
Decrepitude: 0
Virtues: Wanderer, Keen Vision, Perfect Balance
(+3 all sight rolls except missile attack)
(+6 to avoid falling, tripping)
Flaws: Carefree, Reckless
(Can roll Reckless instead of Brave)
Personality: Loyal +1, Cheerful +3, Reckless +3
Fist: +1 Init, +5 Attack, +3 Defense, -1 Damage
Kick: +0 Init, +5 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 Damage
Short Bow: +0 Init, +9 Attack, +4 Defense, +5 Damage
Soak: -2 (unarmoured)
Fatigue: 0,0,-1,-3,-5,Unconscious
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Equipment: Short bow, arrows. Not usually carried
Encumbrance: Burden: 1 (Load: 2) - when carrying bow only
Greek 5 (Jokes)
Area Lore (Peloponnese) 2 (Geography)
Athletics 3 (Balance)
Awareness 5 (Spotting things at a distance)
Charm 2 (One-night stands)
Stealth 2 (Wilderness)
Brawl 2 (Dodging)
Carouse 3 (Drinking games)
Concentration 2 (Keeping watch)
Hunt 2 (Tracking)
Bows 2 (Short bow)
Profession (Sailor) 2 (Working up the masts)
Folk Ken 2 (Landlords)
XP Spend:
0-5 years:
Greek 5
Area Lore (Peloponnese) 2 (15)
Athletics 1 (5)
Awareness 2 (15)
Charm 1 (5)
Stealth 1 (5)
Later Life 15*15 = (225 XP remaining)
Awareness 5 (60) (165)
Athletics 3 (25) (140)
Brawl 2 (15) (125)
Carouse 3 (30) (95)
Charm 2 (10) (85)
Concentration 2 (15) (70)
Hunt 2 (15) (55)
Bows 2 (15) (40)
Profession (sailor) 2 (15) (25)
Stealth 2 (10) (15)
Folk Ken 2 (15) (0)
Hector, a Grizzled Veteran.
Hector was original a solider fighting in the crusades, but his military career was brought to an end when he suffered a terrible head wound in battle. One of the original members of the covenent healed Hector (mostly; his memory is still shot to pieces) and he's served the covenant ever since. Hector's getting on a bit now, and starting to think wistfully of retirement.
Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre –1, Com –1, Str 0, Sta +1 (1), Dex +2 (2), Qik +2 (2)
Size: 0
Age: 45 (45)
Decrepitude: 1 (2)
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Warrior; Poor Memory
Personality Traits: Loyal +3, Forgetful +2, Brave +1
Reputations: None
Axe & Heater Shield: Init –1, Attack +15, Defense +14, Damage +6
Kick: Init –3, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage +3
Soak: +8 (full metal scale armor)
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Abilities: Greece Lore 4 (monsters), Levant Lore 2 (monsters), Awareness 5 (in combat), Bows 5 (longbow), Brawl 3 (kicking), Carouse 3 (with fighting friends), Folk Ken 1 (magi), Great Weapon 5 (pole axe), Guile 2 (getting extra rations), Leadership 3 (in combat),Greek 5 (military talk), Order of Hermes Lore 3 (grogs), Single Weapon 8 (heater shield), Stealth 3 (when armored), Survival 1 (when in a group), Thrown Weapon 4 (knife)
Equipment: Axe, Heater Shield, Full metal scale armor, pack containing gear to care for weapons and armor and establish camps when traveling.
Encumbrance: 4 (4)
Characteristics: Int +0, Per +1 (1), Pre +0, Com +1, Str +2 (1), Sta +1, Dex +2 (1), Qik +1
Personality: Brave +3, Jaded +3, Principled +3
Warping: 0 (0/5)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Age: 42
Decrepitude: 0 (3/5)
[tab][/tab]Mercenary Captain (Minor, Social Status)
[tab][/tab]Improved Characteristics (Minor, General)
[tab][/tab]Strong-Willed (Minor, General)
[tab][/tab]Disfigured (Minor, General)
[tab][/tab]Missing Ear (Minor, General)
[tab][/tab]Temperate (Minor, Personality)
[tab][/tab]Animal Handling: 3; Horses (30/30)
[tab][/tab]Area Lore (Black Sea): 2; Politics (15/15)
[tab][/tab]Area Lore (Russia): 3; Geography (30/30)
[tab][/tab]Athletics: 2; Jumping (15/15)
[tab][/tab]Awareness: 4; Standing Watch (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Bow: 4; Horse Bow (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Brawl: 2; Knives (15/15)
[tab][/tab]Folk Ken: 4; Nobles (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Leadership: 4; Intimidation (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Living Language (Greek): 4; Slang (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Living Language (Russian): 5; Ukrainian (75/75)
[tab][/tab]Ride: 4; Battle (50/50)
[tab][/tab]Single Weapon: 6; Axes (105/105)
[tab][/tab]Swim: 2; Long Distances (15/15)
[tab][/tab]Teaching: 5; Groups (75/75)
Axe and Round Shield: Init +2, Attack +14, Defense +11, Damage +8
Dagger: Init +1, Attack +6, Defense +3, Damage +5, Load 0
Horse Bow: Init -1, Attack +13, Defense +6, Damage +10, Range 15
Soak: +8
Wound Penalties: –1 (1 – 5), –3 (6 – 10), –5 (11 – 15), Incapacitated (16 – 20), Dead (21+)
Equipment (Load): Axe (1), Boiled-leather Greaves (1), Dagger (0), Gambeson (1.5), Horse Bow (2), Mail Jerkin (1.5), Open Helmet (1), Round Shield (2)
Burden 2
[tab][/tab]Pyotor is a mercenary from the crumbling kingdom of Rus, on the northern shore of the Black Sea. He is a veteran of the Crusades in Caucasia and Outremer, as well as of small wars against various tribal hordes. He has seen nearly every mundane threat the world has to offer and survived, and he is quite convinced that nothing scares him.
[tab][/tab]Pyotor is armed and outfitted in exactly the same fashion as his men. The arms are a haphazard collection of what is affordable and what works best, Byzantine mail shirts, English kettle hats, Varangian shields, Russian bows, and German battle axes. The equipment is effectively superior quality, though, should it be lost, the replacements probably will not be.
[tab][/tab]Pyotor is horribly scarred from a mace wound to the head when he was thirty-seven. He also lost his left ear to the subsequent surgery, and his hearing was permanently lost to his left side. He usually wears a black hood to cover his face, though his men do not care what he looks like, as he has guided them through many terrible situations in the past.
[tab][/tab]He and his men work for magi because they pay well and provide excellent room and board. The Gift doesn't bother him, because he's dealt with it often during his dealings with Christian magi in Outremer. Nevertheless, he has learned to distrust his instincts about people and always assume the worst until proven otherwise.
[tab][/tab]While he is a mercenary, Pyotor has a strong personal code of honor, and he will not abandon his employers for higher bidders until a contact is up, which a chance for renewal offered, or he is first betrayed.
[tab][/tab]Pyotor and his men have 24 battle-trained steppe coursers between them, compact, muscular, long-winded mounts that are very swift and dependable, though not as strong or resilient as Latin destriers.
I have two ideas for grogs! I thought I had posted them already:
Role: Ships Woodworker
Name: Jonathan
Age: 25 Gender: Male
Characteristics: Dx+3 Str+2 Pre-2 Sta+1 Int-1 Qu+1
Virtues: Puissant Craft: Wood, Affinity Craft: Wood
Flaws: No Sense of Direction, Covenant Upbringing
Abilities: Greek 5, Swimming 2, Brawl 3, Latin 4, Artes Lib 1, Awareness 1, Profession Sailor 3, Bow 5, Craft: Wood 7+2 [xp spent 95->143] (Ships), Profession Scribe 2, Stealth 1, Area Lore: Theban Tribunal 2 (water ways), Survival 1
He had a fairly normal life. His family saved up to apprentice him to a woodworker, he had a decent master. Took to it like a fish to water. He worked a lot with fishing ships, eventually he got a job on a ship. The group backing the boat eventually went bankrupt, and he had to find other work. The Order of Hermes snapped him up for one of their ships. Trained in a bunch of useful things he was pretty much the perfect fit.
Grumio is a sailmaker. Grumio's parents died of a plague that swept through his town when he was very young, so he moved to Aegina to live with his grandparents. His grandfather was a sailmaker and he apprenticed to him to learn the trade.
Social Status: Craftsman
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Str +1, Sta +1, Pre 0, Com 0, Dex+2, Qik 0
Size: +1
Age: 16 (16)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Apt Student, Large, Light Touch, Carefree, Generous, Temperate
Personality Traits: Brave +1, Meticulous +2, Curious +3
Reputations: None
Dagger: Init +2, Atk +4, Def +2, Dam +1
Longbow: Init +5, Atk +6, Def +2, Dam +0
Soak: +2
Fatigue: 0, 0,- 1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wounds: 0 (1-6), -2 (7-12), -4 (13-18), Incapacitated (19-24)
Equipment: Long Bow, Arrows, Dagger
Encumbrance: 1 (2)
Abilities: Native Language (Greek) 5, Athletics 2 (running), Brawl 2 (dagger), Swim 4 (long distances), Craft: Sailmaker 4, Bows (longbow) 5, Awareness 1
Andros grew up son of a soldier in the city guard of Dekeleia. He set out for adventure, boarded the ship and the rest is history.
Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Str +2, Sta +2, Pre -2, Com -2, Dex+2, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 20 (20)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Puissant Great Weapon, Warrior, Intuition, No Sense of Direction, Poor Memory (Names), Weak-Willed
Personality Traits: Stubborn +1, Suspicious +2, Determined +3
Reputations: None
Dagger: Init +3, Atk +4, Def +2, Dam +2
Pole Axe: Init +8, Atk +9, Def +8, Dam +2
Dagger (thrown): Init +3, Atk +4, Def +0, Dam +2
Soak: +2
Fatigue: 0, 0,- 1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wounds: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)
Equipment: Pole Axe, Daggers (6)
Encumbrance: 1 (2)
Abilities: Native Language (Greek) 5, Survival 2 (foraging), Brawl 2 (daggers), Stealth 2, Great Weapon 7 (Pole Axe), Awareness 3 (in combat), Chirurgy 1 (binding wounds), Hunt 3 (tracking), Ride 3 (speed), Music (Sing) 5, Thrown Weapon (Daggers) 3