Fixing up Project: Redcap for Anno Magica 2024

As many of you are aware, Project: Redcap is the fan wiki all about Ars Magica.

As the technical admin for Project: Redcap, I'll be making some upgrades to get ready for Anno Magica 2024. I'm very excited to see Ars Magica will be published under and open license. Project: Redcap can become the hub of the creative community, if that's what the community wants.

Specific steps I'm undertaking:

  1. Full backup and version upgrade (this is just regular annual maintenance)
  2. Re-enabling account creation. Project: Redcap was massively spammed last spring when bots became able to defeat our best available CAPTCHA. We'll prevent recurrence by requiring all new accounts to be approved by an admin.

The work will take a week or more. This is just a notification that Redcap will resume accepting new accounts, so you know it will be there for you well ahead of the Definitive Edition.


Editing is now re-enabled for existing user accounts. New account creation is still frozen for now. I'm working on a human-moderated process for account creation.


In light of the open license, would it make sense to add a searchable reference of the rules available as part of Project Redcap? Similar to what Archives of Nethys is doing for Pathfinder?

This could be achieved through a (more or less) concerted effort to add wiki pages. Considering the substantial amount of data entry this would require, I wonder whether it would be more efficient to enter data into a format, say JSON, that could be more easily shared between projects. For example, there is an Ars Magica module for Foundry VTT that, presumably, would also benefit from easy access to these data.


I would suggest folding in the spells-wiki into Project Redcap. Or at least finding some way to better manage it. I'm afraid I am unable to curate it as it should be.

The Net Wizard's Grimoire (

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It looks like the Foundry VTT module has made a lot of progress with data entry. It may be possible to benefit from that and automate the additions to Project Redcap once the license allows for that.

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Andrew, could you link

to the Hermes Portal page? Eric's old page is defunct.

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@Timothy_Ferguson done, I've updated the link.

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Password resets should now be working. If you previously had a user account on Project Redcap and you remember your user name, the password reset link should now work. This means users can return to editing now.


Need to update the Discord link. The one on the site is invalid. Should use

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