Yesterday we played one of the milestones in our Manx saga: the Hibernan tribunal where we presented the idea of a Manx covenant to break the Partitio Monaviae. Eadch of the 5 players was playing one of the factions, with Laura playing Severin (from Rise and Fall), the power behind the idea of the Manx covenant. It was a realluy TOUGH session, a really good roleplaying one. Jordi (Lauras boyfriend) played his part of the pro-stonehenge Norman covenants so well that Laura ended up saying this:
Me: The young girl that you rescue from the summoning circle seems terrified. She says, "Be careful! There's a bad man who can cast magic!"
Karen: Yeah, we killed him.
Me: And a bad man with six fingers on one hand!
Karen: Killed him.
Me: And a bad horse that can breathe fire!
Karen: Dead.
Me: And a bunch of bad men with swords!
Karen: Dead.
Me: ....who ARE you people??
Karen: Awesome.
Note for this next quote: The party had found a wand that was obviously a magic item, but had no idea what it did.
Me: If my wizard investigates the wand that you guys found to see what it does, can he have the new specimens and count it as his season of service?
Karen: No. You can't get two for one.
Me: Fair enough.
Karen: Besides, you put in a Corpus specimen that only your mage would use, and he loves magic items like the wand too.
Me: Hey, that's not true. My wizard isn't any more likely to use an invisibility wand than--oh, God DAMN it, I gave it away....
Jessica: I'm tired of reading. Can we blow something up?
Me: You're the Bonisagus, damnit!
Me: I don't know this feeling. Is it confidence?
Brian: We should gather all the Magi to hear this.
Karen: Yeah, because they ALWAYS love when we do that.
Jessica and Karen were tapped to play two soldiers, which I named Rufus and Doofus.
Doofus: I like you.
Rufus: You're like my brother.
Doofus: You're just saying that because we have the same mother and father.
Rufus: Oh... wait, we are brothers!
Doofus: Awww.. I love you.
Jim: He's a good guy. I count him among my.... friend.
It's a struggle to remember the exact context, but I believe that one of the party members found some sort of buried/submerged place of magic inhabited by a spirit who challenged him and demanded to know who he was his reply was,
"I am Gwyn ex Guernicus of the Order of Herpes."
Oh how we laughed. Totally ruined the mood.
I also remember one amusing conversation, my character was the Primus of a fairly recently established covenant and so was giving a guided tour to a new character, (not a new player, he already knew pretty much everything ooc).
Me: Pointing to a massive lump of rock out to sea aaah yes, that rock out there has a strange anti-magical effect upon it.
New Magus: An anti-magic rock?
Me: That's right, an anti-magic rock. Some sort of perdo vim effect. Stops all spells in a certain radius.
New Magus: It's an anti-magic rock?
Me: Erm yes, maybe we will get round to investigating it soon... I don't know perhaps get the grogs to build a bridge out to it.
New Magus: I'll fly out to it.
Me: It's an antimagic rock.
SG: You get out halfway and then plunge into the sea.
Me: It's an antimagic rock you see...
Not a verbal quote, but rather things I with littel hesitation listed on my character sheets as activities.
And every time I see them I either smirk (with nostalgic thoughts washing over me) or snigger (as my mind wanders to the gutter)
In the first saga my architecht Jerbiton at some point built some animal habitats for a Bjornaer interested in this. The History in Metacreator lists this: "Built tropical fish lagoon and bat cave"
In the other saga, my magus accompanied a sodales on his search for a familiar, and this is what I apparently wrote: "Journey to Sweden while Anonymius hunts for beaver". He *did' find one in the end!
Me: Primus we have something to tell you.
A Flambeau: Yes.
Primus: Yes...
Me: Well we basically murdered the Bishop of Bath and Wells.
Primus: You did WHAT.
Me and Flambeau: We are sorry.
In a moment eerily reminiscent of the League of Gentlemen this is how a meeting from the Quasitor went down in a game a ran for a group who normally don't do Ars....
'Vespa' Flambonis and Magdelane Bjornear are trying to cover up Vespa's less then subtle BoAF assault on Tallus Jerbiton to stop him uncovering Vespa's meddling with fearies (i.e. killing one small enclave of fae)
Quasitor - Tallus of Jerbiton has vanished, he was last known to be comming to your covenant, do you know anything?
Bjornear Maga - Yes, we met him, he asked us some questions, we answered them, he went on his way.
Quasitor - Oh, what were they about?
Bjornear Maga - Some questions regarding a local fearie enclave. We advised him not to disturb the local fearies as they're nothing if not tricky.
Quasitor - Do you think he went one to the fearies
Bjornear Maga - well it's possible that if he went there, he ran into problems.
Quasitor - Very well I shall look there....
Vespa - good good, you go look there because we didn't burn him!!!!
In my current home saga, the mages are in the Rhine tribunal and trying to garner support from each covenant in the tribunal to get declared a covenant. Our healer criamon and our necromancer tytalus went to Irencilla to get support before the tribunal meeting.
They finally found a maga who was willing to support them in return for some political support, some vis and a chance to humiliate the tytalus. She made that offer to the criamon so she could set it up without the Tytalus knowing about it. Well, the Tytalus wasn't happy when told and challenged the mage to certamen and it ended up in InHe. Needless to say the Tytalus lost soundly and for the free spell, the maga cast an until duration spell (until he left Irencilla specifically): She gave him the ability InHe ability to know the health of plants and all the details of their condition for sight target with the way it manifested, was the plant shouting its condition into his mind. In the forest covenant of Irencilla it was a cocaphony.
Finally trying to deal with the plants, he deficated on some of them and of course to the plants this was healthy and happy sort of thing and so they were shouting their joy to him:
He was delighted and declared: Finally I found someone that likes my $4i&.