Future of House Jerbiton

Hi all!

My personal saga has progressed to the 1270's. I'm wondering how all of you would see the House as progressing from 1220 - 1500 or so. Perhaps a few changes in the Code of Hermes can be thrown in, if you like.

Projections I'm working on -

  1. The Code of Hermes will be able to be changed to allow for significantly more interactions with mundanes.

  2. The Order will survive at least in some form until 1500 :smiley:.


Changes would be

  1. The new wave of Antigones begin a major philosophical change in House Jerbiton about how 'active' they need to be. While there is internal dissent on the Antigones, they all agree wholeheartedly that their elders were just wrong about everything. There is a fair bit of evidence of this. House Jerbiton still has a number of the 'old school' Jerbiton, but they will die out by 1350 - replaced almost entirely by the new agendas, simply because they are quite passive.

  2. The sack of Constantinople and the invasions of the Mongols creates incentive for the Antigones to not just be able to protect what they have, but to be ready for it. While never warlike, the Antigones believe in actively protecting themselves and their families. By the 1260's, there are mutterings about actively joining mundane armies against various non-Christian entities. Many Jerbiton are held in breach of the code for Interfering with mundanes, though there is often a lack of incentive to punish.

  3. House Jerbiton begins to heavily invest in universities and schoolhouses by the 1250's, and many of its prominent members become known and respected mundane scholars - possibly even founding the growing Humanist movements. There are major problems between the more Church oriented Jerbiton and the new mundane scholars.

  4. By 1320, House Jerbiton practically doubles its numbers due to their capacity to screen candidates for the gift - which they do throughout universities in entrance interviews. Many 'scholarships' are granted to poorer gifted members. While the other houses have also grown, House Jerbitons outnumbers them, equalling Ex Misc numbers easily. The growing focus on teaching and screening for the gift is taken to many tribunals. The Gentle gift is prized, but many Jerbiton magi are taken without it.

  5. Many Ungifted or Hedge magi within the halls of learning or the church begin to be protected by the Jerbiton magi, so long as they agree with Jerbiton ideals. These Ancillary Jerbiton are weak in power, but great in number. The Virgillians and other hedge magic traditions move to Jerbiton for protection. By the 1400's, even the Folk witches have gained dubious standing amongst the Jerbiton.

  6. By 1400, Jerbiton magi with their various gifted hedge magi are the most numerous in the tribunals, often being over 50% of Jerbiton magi, when they bother to attend. There are Peripheral Code rulings prohibiting speaking in the vernacular during Tribunals, from more than thirty Jerbiton magi attending because they hog all the seats, and eventually seperate Jerbiton Tribunals are held.

  7. Die hard proponents of non-Catholic, non-mundane life begin a program targeting Jerbiton magi, prosecuting and beginning an us-and-them attitude, often not helped by the Jerbiton magi who begin to believe themselves civilised, their more woodsy bretheren as 'backward'. There is call from inside the house and outside it to seperate into its own 'Order', allied to the Order of Hermes. This starts as early as 1350, with many discussions involving it. Magi come to war over the issue and many Jerbiton magi die. Their attitude of 'Preparedness' did not work against non-mundane or hedge magic antagonists. The Primus of House Jerbiton begs Grand Tribunal to resolve the issue. House Jerbiton are asked to hold a vote of all of their own Magi. The votes indicate that House Jerbiton would prefer to be released from the Order, even as 'relaxed' on Mundane issues as it is. The Congregation of Jerbiton and Allied Magi is formed, and is formally signed as an ally of the Order of Hermes by 1500.

  8. The Congregation swear an Oath not dissimilar to the Code of Hermes, giving them the ability to 'Rule no more than ten leagues by ten leagues.' Magi are allowed to swear fealty, and use magic in the service of their sovereign, have 'Which religion they deem fit', war upon each other if their sovereign demands it. Otherwise they meet bi-yearly to trade and gossip and judge any who 'Have brought their prestigious order into disrepute.' By 1550 a new wave of 'Enlightened' magi begin complaining about their old fashioned and outdated magical methods, politics, and inability to cope with modern day politics.

  9. The Jerbiton cats breed like anything and become the most common familiar in the order. They are often given to Gifted magi without the Gentle Gift, with other magi assisting in the laboratory to increase the Silver Cord. Being most numerous, their leader is often the magical King of Cats, sitting in bored judgement of Catkind.