General Table Talk

I hinted at this when I mentioned it over in Bibracte. It's timing differences. There are either processes running on the Atlas website consuming inordinate resources causing requests to time out, or they are subject to a prolonged DDoS attack that runs at different times. Last Tuesday and Wednesday the site was largely unusable for me, I had to be extremely persistent to post any message, and most of them took upwards of 15 minutes, with two taking 30 minutes to finally get posted. Now, i'm not sitting there for 30 minutes trying to post, but over the course of 30 minutes, whenever I wanted to post I was unable to post.
If it works for you at the time you're available to post, great, but if it doesn't work for callen, for example, when he wants to post, what then?

Because of my job and nocturnal life style, most of my posting is in the evening/night time/early morning. But here I am in the middle of the day and I have no problems. I am thinking the problem isn't just Atlas anymore. In fact, Atlas' problem is relativly minor. I am thinking that maybe certain service providers have more problems with the site than others.
As for a "what then", there isn't any what then. I can't fix anyone's problems. We just have to have faith and paitience and hopefully soon Callen will be posting again. He is a veteran of this saga from the previous incarnation, so I pray it all works out for him.

This weekend and today have been very good. I'm not convinced that it will stay that way...

I am. And I am convinced that the forums will suffer another attack, and they will recover from that too. And it shall ever continue until our society develops ever improved IT and computer technology. Until one day where we are all playing in a virtual setting via interface jacks wired into the backs of our heads.

"There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

She did call one. But, yeah, I'm thinking a separate thread, with the council stuff moved to that thread, makes sense.

My for lack of a better word...about the Resolutions & By Laws thread is that ginormous block of struck-out text at the beginning that (a) I find rather distracting, and (b) makes it harder to search for a particular word, because I have to slog through ten or twenty struck-out occurrences before I get to the "current" version.

Any way that initial struck-out post can be deleted, please?


Thank you.

Correct in Spanish. If you prefer the catalan version use the following.
Ratpenat! Vigileu! Hi ha un ratpenat aquí!

Mexican Murcielago FTW :mrgreen:

BTW: pinche (emphasis on the "I") would be "damned" or "jerk" or whatever swear word. "Pinché" with an accent on the E means "I stabbed", like, with a fork. I assume you mean the first. "Quita té" means "remove tea" :mrgreen: The fact that Spanish uses accents does not means it needs to use them in every single word! LMAO :stuck_out_tongue:

In (modern Castilian) Spanish it would be something like this: ¡Maldito murciélago! ¡Quítate! ¡Fuera de aquí! (Damned bat! Out! Get out of here!)
In (modern) Catalan it would be something like this: Maleït ratpenat! Fuig d'aquí! Surt d'aquí!

BTW: the bat has a really really nice AC in his fangs, so I would be very worried if I were Ludwig.


:slight_smile: :smiley: :laughing: :slight_smile: :smiley: :laughing: :slight_smile: :smiley: :laughing: 8) :mrgreen:

I believe it was Ryu who didn't like "Man of Steel"?
Well, saw it, and it was, IMO, a spectacular meh. Something was lacking, and the movie mostly felt empty. Just like New York in the movie. I've seen much worse, but I was disappointed.

On another front, I'm warry: Although I've managed to catch up somewhat (don't look at the rest!!) I'm supposed to get a surprise intern in the coming days (learned it yesterday), and then I'll go away with some friends (and although we'll have internet in theory, I dunno how much time I'll have). So I fear I may drop of the radar at any time until the end of the month, maybe a little later. I think it's better to be careful.
Thus the post in mission improbable and all :frowning: Arachne will stay behind, in a support role.

"Estem assumint que el nen és seu. Ell diu que no ho és i ella no ha dit qui és.... si és que ho sap. I la gent que ha tractat amb ella diu que no ens en podem refiar, que emboira les ments de les persones. No crec que arrossegar-la a ella i al nen de tornada a Andorra sigui una bona idea, i no em sembla que hi vulgui anar."

So you know how it would sound (more or less, add 7 centuries less of language evolution). :slight_smile:

Yep, I was really ticked about it. With such superb actors and a great writer there was NO EXCUSE for this film to suck as much as it did. I hate Zack Snyder SO MUCH.

Good luck with work and have a fun vacation :slight_smile:

The way everyone keeps talking about Gemma right in front of her, as though she's not there... it keeps making me think of this:
(Skip to 4:30... though the whole video is funny.)

I dream of the day when I can play my +5 Presence characters as Russell Brand :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Or, phrased slightly differently: "She's been there between three and six months, and she's already popped out a kid! WTF, how could she get over me so quickly!"

It would have been, had he any idea :slight_smile: Carmen hit the nail on the head when she told Gemma she couldn't expect him not to be dumb.

My ex-wife used to always say "I don't know how someone so intelligent can act so stupid sometimes," and my answer to her is, "Don't hate me, I'm just statted this way."

...Not that I ever actually SAID that to her, or I'm sure we would have gotten divorced a lot sooner.

I tend to be high Int/low Wis myself. And my Wis tends to be inversely proportional to the Com score of whoever I'm dealing with.

If a lv40 Aegis resists the item, does that mean the item needs 40 penetration to function inside it, or does that just mean the item takes the same -20 CT penalty and -20 Penetration penalty that foreign spells would?

My initial reaction would be to say that it needs Penetration of 41+. Magic items don't have a Casting score, I think, so you can't really subtract half the Aegis level from a number that doesn't exist. And "resisted", to me, implies magic resistance, à la Parma Magica or Magic Might.