General Table Talk

I like it.

Wouldn't each Domus Magnus have a Portal, or at least be near one? Personally, I think Crintera wouldn't have one on the island, but within a short distance (say, a few hours' walk).

Congrats, you did an amazing job!

Noticed about Ingasia...

We're past this...
What could have happened?

I missed that one. There is also this for Heorot:

That would have been decided long, long ago.

They failed. Instead there is a Covenant in Zealand where Cornelius Bonisagus resides with Neywn Merinita and Signum Irruptus of Criamon. Constantius (Ulric) of Jerbiton was there before migrating to Bellaquin.
Other northern covenants include Sinus Woodinis and Centurus Ares. They seek a fourth and desire to form a new tribunal.

Okay, so I've got the following Tribunals entered in (or mostly): Iberia (thanks, Fixer), Normandy, Rhine, Roman, Stonehenge, and Transylvanian. I'm currently working on Thebes. I don't have the books for any of the others, but I may try and get some.

I also added Plateau (Iberia) and Beauxbâtons (Normandy), the former homes of Vibria and Guiverna respectively.

I picked up the old books for Novgarod, Loch Leglean, and the Levant and am starting to enter those as well.

If you're interested, I have a couple of maps (I think they're basically the same) that has every covenant listed in every tribunal book except Faith and Flame (because I'm lazy) and Blood and Sand (because I don't have it). I also haven't gotten around to entering the covenants from Through the Aegis. There's one from my once and future Loch Ness saga and one from one from my Stonehenge saga. I think I marked all the canon covenants differently from the ones I made up.

Awesome :slight_smile:
I once had all of the older edition tibunal books. Missing a few now. Not sure what I still have. I have never had or read two new ones, Normandy and Hibernia. I still have Iberia and Rome, they are like gold :slight_smile:
I think I still have Ultima Thule. I have started introducing ideas from there with the presence of Constantius in Bellaquin and Cornelius at Durenmar.

Okay, I think I have an entry for every covenant listed in any of the tribunal books, except for the ones in the Provençal Tribunal. I don't have that book yet and am waiting for it to come out in pdf.

I'll probably add information as time passes. But at least we have some info on (almost) all of the covenants.

No Provencal?!?
That's the one I wrote :mrgreen:or part of anyway.
Provencal includes Aedas Mercuri aka Doisettep (our friends), Bellaquin (our neighboors), Castra Solis (polite but cool and they have issues), and a bunch of others that probably don't care. Mistridge and Windgraven have fallen, and there are those trying to and/or in the midst of reviving them.

I have done some math. With the help of her Talisman, and possibly ceremonial magic if I feel the need, Frederika is capable of looking angrily at a castle and tossing it over the horizon. Sadly, I have no castles attracting my ire at the moment.

But now I sort of want one to. You know, just look at me funny. Come on, castle. I'm ready for you.

I have the book, I just haven't gotten around to reading all of it, putting the covenants on my map, or putting the covenants and magi in my "Covenants" spreadsheet.

Doesn't everybody? budumtiss

I'm just waiting for it to come out in PDF. That's how I have everything else.

I want a talisman. I keep trying to make one. But with all this work the covenant needs I never find the time. :frowning:

Elena will try really hard to help out!

Also, because I'm crazy, I'm working on an alphabetical listing of important people in the saga.

Often I see a name and I'm not sure who it is. I never know which list to look in. So I've decided to compile a single alphabetical list of all of the people I can in the saga. I'm about halfway done now. Please feel free to tell me if I've missed anyone in A-M.

I also have a list with many obscure names. I will post many things once the computer issue is solved.

I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and created the rest of the pages (N through Z), and added a little something at the bottom of each page to aid in navigation.