General Table Talk

Hi people.

Hope everything's all right. As much as it can be.

I don't know what to say. I don't want to drive a wedge, and I fear that this may grow sour. Yet, I am tired of politicians and powerful figures never being held accountable for their acts (David Koch, anyone?), despite having countless death on their hands. I am tired of money, of power, meaning that a man gets undue respect and attention, far more than on his words and deeds. To get back on blame, as I said on our President-Savior: "He has no obligation of results. He may fail, or be blindsided. But I expect him to do his best, which he didn't for a while, despite getting numerous advance warnings. I do not blame him fot the deaths. I blame him for the ones he could have easily avoided"

Posted for Roberto. With a "Previously on"!

Also, some of you may be interested in reading Arachne's journal, or not.

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There was a "not" missing at the end of my previous message, which completely changed what I wanted to state.

Ugh. Now I’m almost afraid to say I was referring to the other mess in the US...
I mean, we all have pandemic, and suffer the ensuing economic challenges.

BTW I am not a citizen of the USA, nor do I live there. I am in Canada's most affected province, Quebec.

We are all affected by the pandemic. The health issue and the resulting economic impacts are severe, and much worse for those who were already vulnerable to either fronts, or both. :disappointed_relieved:

It is all related. A perfect storm. On inept individual has caused the epidemic here to explode, and it will affect the rest of the world. But a more pressing point is police violence and the rise of fascism. In all seriousness, the Donald wants to declare me a terrorist because of my Antifa sympathies. That is some serious shit guys.
There is no such thing as an inappropriate forum when it comes to speaking out against injustice and cruelty.
Silence is Violence.


I have Quebec ancestry! I like to brag on and on about being half Greek. My parents were divorced and I was raised by my mother's side of the family.
But Faulkner ancestry can be traced back to 1797, where Charles Faulkner weds Marie Gilmore at the Anglican Church of Montreal. They had several children, and after Charles dies, Marie converted the kids to Catholic. Then one sone named Henry changed his name to Henri and started carousing with the fine French ladies. The Faulkners became so French that my grandfather only spoke French until he went to school. And that guy grew up in Chicago! Back in the day I suppose there was a French Quarter.

I’ll admit I have no idea where anybody other than Mark is from or where they live, in detail. I just as the idea that a couple of people were American.

Interesting story Mark.
I’m just Danish. Nothing I’ve ever heard points to anything remotely exciting

Speech in the wrong place can also be violence.

While I agree the the individual in question has a lot to answer for, I repeat my request that real-world politics not pollute our Ars forum.

Well, that is pretty exciting in and of itself. You got Vikings, Little Meremaid, WWII resistance, and much more. Interesting thing is, though I boast so much about being Greek, outside of some philosophy and math, I kinda think there were idiots and the mythology is boring. I am a Norse mythology affectionado. That begins with Thor comic books from the silver and bronze ages. But I have studied up on the legit sources. My other epic ArM4 saga was Ultima Thue, set in Denmark on Zealand. The part of Denmark that was carved out by a giant.

The most I can agree to is to keep it out of the game. Table Talk is the only place where we get to socialize with each other. I know Ray on facebook. But otherwise, this is it. I woud ove to hang out for drinks, take a trip to France or Canada once a week or so. But until I get rich, this is it.
And mind you, I am trying not to say much of anything. I mainly wish to defend and advocate for the rights of others to do so. But, as a side note, this is exactly the very reason why I dropped the game for over a year after the disaster of 2016. I have a hard time keeping to myself. After all, I am that Flambeau guys :slight_smile:

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Genealogy is a much better topic of discussion! :grin::wink:

As a French canadian, I can trace most of my ancestry to Normandy, with a bit of native american blood (about 3/32th parts, Abenaki and Innu if I remember correctly).

I can dig on that. I am curious about those DNA test kits at the store. Not sure how much faith I would put in one, but my cousin and sister have each done the 23 & me version. What fascinates me is not the things I might already know. It is the possible tangential connections I do not know about. How African or Asian am I> What percentage of Neandethal do I carry? Stuff like that.

My sister and I have the same mother, different fathers. My cousin, her father is my mother's brother. So the common thread between the three of us is the Maimonis family. I suspect that, whatever results they had in common will likely show up in my sequence. I barely remember their details they had posted on their FB pages. But I do remember that they each had a tiny bit of Spanish and my cousin had a touch of Turkish.

And with that Marie Gilmore ancestor I mentioned. The name and religion both strongly suggest Irish. Presuming she was 100% Irish and that no one else had any Irish ancestry (both of which are unlikely), I am about 1.5% Irish.
Which ain't much.
But the amusing thing is that my roommate from back in Chicago, a blalck man with very dark skin, his grandmother was Irish and thus he is 25%, much more than I am.
In Chicago, however minor one's connection to being Irish may be, it is often a point of pride.
His dad went by the nickname Red. Lighter skin, red hair, and total old school gangster of thr 60's & 70's.

I am more curious about... let's call it social genealogy. What did my ancestors see, do, live through? Their experience of the world was so completely different from ours, it is almost unbelievable.

Our existence is the result of their choices and the events of their lives. Much as ours will impact that of our children and grandchildren.

I think one’s origin is a bit like bringing leftovers from dinner to work the ext day for lunch: For you it’s boring repetition, for the person next to you it’s new and exciting.

Sure, Danes have that Viking ancestry, and were also an active and powerful seafaring nation way up to the 17th century I think.
As for the Norse mythology I’ve always lived it. I learned about it from a series of Danish comic books/graphic novels called Valhalla by Peter Madsen:

For me, that’s how Thor looks and acts.

Asatro is actually coming back in style as a religion here. We’re usually notoriously uninterested in religion. But asatro is a new fad.

I dig it! Kind of like a Disney version of Thor (if created before Disney bought Marvel).
Asa tru has been a thing here in the states since the 90's or before. I ran accross many gamers into it. But it can be a tricky one. I have not yet knowingly encountered one that is racist. But from what neo-pagan's I have known have told me, the Asatru sect has a deep divide. Many are anti-racist. But there is a strong Aryan brotherhood faction amongst them.

As for the Marve comics Thor that I grew up with, keep in mind that is was the brainchild of two Jewish Americans from New York City. Stan Lee had this weird wild prose style, and his goal back then was to introduce new literary ideas through the medium. Norse mythology was not very popular or well regarded back then. And Jack Kirby, classic tough guy and war veteran, his imagination and design were out of this worlld. He is the one that added the sci-fi component and style.
Later on, it was other authors such as Roy Thomas and Walt Simonson that weaved in authentic Norse myth and style. But the result is always and ever a hybrid. The reason that the American version of Thor is blond is because these two New Yorkers just presumed all Scandinavians are blond OR presumed that the audience of 1963 would be confused if he was not blond.

I searched for it. I found a DVD on ebay. I was hoping to find it in TPB, something I could pretend to try to read. LoL
I can use google translator to puzzle it out

I'm in Australia, which is why my posting and reading times are often out of whack with the other members of the boards. My ancestors where english, welsh and german; generally having fled here looking for better times. It generally worked.

Oh yeah, they made an animated movie way back. It may be so old it’s grainy and poorly animated.
I don’t think the books themselves were ever published in other languages, or as pdf.