General Table Talk

Ugh, that doesn't sound good. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Where do you live?

We live in a suburb of Indianapolis Indiana.

As I said earlier, we prepped for this when our kids went back to school, knowing it was just a matter of time. Luckily, it seems that my daughter has a small dose of the virus and no one else has gotten it

I have been neglecting the game. I will conjure something soon, and I am open to ideas.

Well as a new character Iā€™d like more stories dealing with the locale.
Perhaps a village?
As a Flambeau, something with just a little fight. Mundane robbers, raiding faeries, minor demons whatever.

And perhaps a not a story, where we solve a problem of the covenantā€™s. But pre-emptively seek out someone elseā€™s problem, maybe magi or powerful mundanes, solve it, and then interact with the beneficiary.
Maybe we form alliances, maybe we just get a reward, or maybe we run afoul of them because we are Gifted and poor diplomats.

I canā€™t keep track of which players play which characters or who is still active.

Also, there needs to be some follow up with the older magi from the previous story.

Marko, I feel the same. First time in weeks that I have logged on. :confused:

Cases have been rising steeply again here in Quebec, and that is worrying.

Wow, marko, that's dreadful.
I can send you some money, but nothing nowhere near these amounts, and it won't solve the long term problems. Tell me, though.

It infuriates and saddens me. American is supposed to be this great, modern country, yet this says "third world" to me. In my mind, it doesn't connect.

Jebrick, I hope you and your family are OK.

@everyone, take care and be careful, this is far from over.

America has been badly mismanaged for the past 3 3/4 years, and in some ways yes it does resemble a third world country. The same thing happened in Nazi Germany (economic comparison only here, no gas chambers) where towards the end it required a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. If Trump loses and doesn't put up too much of a fight leaving office we have an opportunity for recovery, but the fact is that as much as he could he ran the US like a third world country trying to set himself up as a dictator and so the country has begun to resemble a third world country.

America has slipped to second world status. it is not hyperbole or political. It is not an appearance. It is a statement of historical fact. But that is okay. Europe slipped for a while but they came back up.In any case, America has left its mark on history and we will be studied by countless future generations. I am content in the big picture. Jazz, Comic Books, and RPGs. These are three unique contributions we have given the world. There are a few others. I am referencing a bit Harlan Ellison wrote back decades ago.

But, for me,I have lost all interest in socio-political gaming. I just want escapism and adventure. Ars Magica does not do that very well without being railroaded. The one adventure I wrote for Ars, my initial draft was "here is an opportunity and here is the adventure". I wound up having to rewrite it to include multiple hooks and seeds to coerce or entice players. Ars Magica does not do sandbox very well. It either into natural resistance and/or overflows rapidly. Case in point, I have not looked at our covenant library in years. I do not want to go down the rabbit hole of figuring it out in context of the setting.

This is not about bashing or quitting. I am reaching out for help, for advice, and ideas as to how to retool what we are doing to better serve our preferences.

Yes, IMO, ars 5 books are a fail, because they require you to do a lot of bookkeeping.

If I were to retool them, I'd probably do something like this:

  1. Treat libraries as summa
  2. Spend vis to improve your library quality or level. This represents the purchase of more books, realias... You can describe these if you want, but it's not an obligation. For example, 2 similar libraries could be either "an impressive collection of tractatii on a wide range of subjects", or "The only know copy of the Book of Hermetic Excellence, as well as a pre-hermetic labyrinth that grants magical insight"

Otherwise, I'm not sure about what I can do to help :frowning:

The question of libraries hs been brought up multiple times, but realistically a library needs to handle a number of things a summae does not- namely

  1. how may people are using it, and what does it degrade to have multiple people using it at the same time
  2. Is it a depletable resource, and if so in what way? When you have a certain level a summae will not help, a tractatus you only get benefit from once, a large enough collection of information will require a lot more usage to be depleted to where you cannot learn any more.
  3. Improvement- how much is really gained from adding yet another book? Unlike summae or tractatus you aren't going to simply have multiple libraries.
  4. complexity- a collection of books will get progressively harder to search through as there are more volumes in the collection
  5. expense: books in medieval Europe are rare and expensive and maintaining them is not cheap or simple either.

Whatever is designed beyond the current system should 1) be simpler than the current system or there is no point, 2) probably utilize some form of professional ability for maintaining libraries, and 3) not allow the library to simply be constantly improving by just adding books.

I have a suspicion that whatever solution I come up with would fail test 1, but then I generally don't have a problem with bookkeeping, at least as a SG. Trying to go back and figure out the bookkeeping for Andora is a major pain in part because of the number of times when the bookkeeping has been thrown out the window because the SG doesn't want to mess with it or the person whose hands he has left it in is unavailable.

Personally I have close to given up on the game because my character had a lot of plans which were dependent on keeping track of those details that Marko doesn't want to be bothered with and after putting in months of effort have repeatedly found that what I have spent my time on has been undone by the difference in approach of the SG and potentially the troupe, for whom running half cocked and unprepared into danger seems to be the purpose of a gathering of academically minded intellectuals. I tend to believe in preparation, seeing as tactical what others believe to be boring.

I have never thrown it out. I just gave up on tracking it years and years ago. I am not as smart as people think I am. And some of the extreme clever ideas for expansion, it went way beyond my ability to comprehend real quick a long time ago. I turned it over to you. The Library has been your game for quite some time. You do not want me DMing your library work. I think you have a tendency to min-max to an extreme, but at the same time I value and respect your effort.

To be fair the last time it was 'thrown out' was due to a board crash, but then we come back and the timeline is screwy and the wiki is no longer considered a valid source of information- sometimes I think you have thrown things out without realizing you have done so.

And honestly yes, I do want it to be DM'd, rather than working through 20 years with no guidance and the being told "wait no, you can't do that"

To be fair, others have volunteered to run stories and then dropped the ball. I am not capable of telling the type of stories you want. I want you to tell them :slight_smile:

"a gathering of academically minded intellectuals" has never ever not for a moment has been my vision for this or any game. That is not at all anything I have any interest in. Andorra has ever been about action and adventure. ArM5 does not support that style as well as 3 or 4, which is why I have affixed elements of those editions into this game. More in style than mechanics.

The wiki was always valid and still is. I just don't want to mess with it because The Fixer created it and he wants to maintain a log of changes. Or at least he once did.

Lets go to the foundations here- this is your game, what is it you want from it? Because if you aren't motivated then the rest of it can't help but fall apart.

My wanting to avoid telling you that is kind of why I have not looked at it in years. You are a munchkin min maxer. You like to perfect, optimize, and take things to a "logical extreme". But you have a lot of fun doing that and I respect your hard work. If I took a hands on approach I would be shutting things down every day, I would be exhausted, you would get mad and quit, and the game would have dies years ago. I have found that the best way to handle these sorts of things is to let it ride until another player has an issue.

If I don't have an active SG I am essentially playing by myself alongside your game. The reason I wanted to join was to have more of a challenge to my ideas than what I would give myself and see how far they could get in a setting run by someone else.

I'm less of a min/maxer and more of an engineer- I see ways to utilize the system to get vast improvements and want to try them out.