Hello All,

I have just purchased Gloom and I have to say I was very pleasantly surprised. I would however like assistance from someone on clarifying one or two of the rules for me. I apologise if this has been answered, I did look through other posts however was not able to see anything.

(for arguments sake a 2 player game).

If I play "scarred by scandal" or "cursed by the queen" on an opponent they then have to immediately dispose of all their cards. Do they get to draw up to their limit immediately after I play this card on them or do they need to wait until their turn and then skip their first and second play's then on the draw phase draw up to their limit?

As I understand it playing either of these two cards on an opponent is basically like skipping an opponents turn at the cost of negative pathos points. Is this an correct?

Thanks in Advance. Also anyone recommend Corruption if I enjoyed Gloom?

If you enjoy Gloom, I'd first recommend all three of the expansions for it plus the Cthulhu Gloom sequel. Then I'd recommend Ren Faire, which also uses transparent cards.

Your interpretation of the card is correct, Versed. A player only draws at the end of their turn. Therefore, if you play Scarred By Scandals on them, they discard their hand, and have no choice but to pass on their turn. As you've noted, the drawback is that these cards provide significant negative pathos points, so it's a tradeoff.

Keith and Michelle, thank you.