This will be the topic for discussion of "official" AM Maps on Google Maps/Earth. These maps are to be used as "base" for AM campaings.
Anyone is invited to help build these maps, if you want to contribute just pm me your e-mail and i will send an invitation. If you already have something post it here. Anything here is open to discussion but i have some sugestions:
I don't think we need to stablish the frontiers of the tribunals, just put something that indicates of what tribunal that covenant is part of...
We can use the 5ed books as cannon to the map, so if anything in older books contradicts something, the 5ed edition prevail....
I think we can start with a simpĺe map: just the covenants and main citys.. Afterwards we can introduce other places, roads, trade rotes and etc...
Just put things that are cited in the AM books: People can use the import tool of Google maps/Earth to adjust the material to their campaings (i.e. don't put things of your campaing)
One map to each tribunal and another to everything
After some discussions we can lay out rules stead of sugestions to build and mantain these maps. I Will update this firt topic with the rules and the links.
For start i picked up the Loch Leglean Tribunal, because i have the book, i'm playing this tribunal and i like Scotland =P
Loch Leglean: ... 77&t=p&z=9
Ars Magica Tribunals: ... 44&t=p&z=3
I want your opinions on this map... Everything is more o less put as close as i "feel" reading the book... There are no specific indications for in the "Lion of theNorth" and no Map... With the exeption of Horsingas, but i'm having troubles with this....
Crun Clach i just put it in the middle of the Kintyre peninsula as indicated in the book
Horsingas was supposed to be "in the Cheviot Hills along the Tyne river, about eight miles north of Hadrian's wall". Nearest Towns: Bamburgh (Forty miles to the Northwest) and Carlisle (thirty miles southwest). I think Bamburgh is 40 miles northEAST, but even changing this, i could only do an aproximation on the map, so take a look and tell me what i do with Horsingas. I Marked the Tyne River to help...
Mac Gruagach and Loch Leglean i put in the middle of the high lands... I didn't find a indication for Loch Leglean Location, and for Mac Gruagach it only indicates that is near "Glen Glas"... And i could not find it....
This is it for now...