This topic is a little like the Drake equation, a lot of "best guess" and "imo" and estimation and reasonable assumptions and so forth. So, accepting that...
Approximately how many apprentices are gauntletted each year?
Approximately how many Spring Covenants show up in the Order each year, or each 7 years?
And about how many Spring(-ish) Covenants would be in existance at any one time?
The reason I ask is multifold- A Spring Covenants most approachable ally is another Spring Covenant- equal power (next to nil), equal need (high), etc. NPC Spring Covenants are great plot devices on many, many levels. And Spring Covenants generate new magi in an area, for PC interaction.
The Anas Equation:
Average # of new Spring Covenants/year =
{C x M x A x 1/G x S} / P
C = # of Covenants in Order
M = Average # of Magi/Covenant
A = % of Magi with Apprentice(s)
G = average # of years for an apprenctice to "graduate"/be Gauntletted
S = % of new magi to seek Spring covenants, (vs being absorbed into existing ones)
P = average population of a new Spring Covenant
C - pretty straightforward
M - a little less so, but likewise
A - Tough one!
G - at first "15" sounds right, but with deaths/rejections/failures, maybe closer to 17???
S - probably(?) a high percentage(?)
P - critical mass for a new Spring Covenant.
I can fake it, but I'm wondering if my assumptions are in the ballpark with others'.