Grand Tribunal California 8/15-8/17

I have to submit the final housing list this week, so this is one last advertisement for the con accommodations, if anyone would like to attend and stay on site.

Grand Tribunal California will take place in Berkeley, CA on August 15-August 17, in the dormitories of the UC Berkeley campus (though it is not affiliated with UCB). It will feature Ars Magica games, other Atlas games like Grand Tribunal, a raffle, a discussion panel, and lots of good company and talk about this game of mythic magic.

If you would like to attend, the cost for the entire weekend is $250 for a single room, or $200 per person for a shared double room. This price also includes admission and meals. To register, write to me at and we'll arrange for your payment.

I am still negotiating with UCB about guest passes, for those who live in the Bay Area and would like to attend but would rather not pay to stay on campus. If you are interested in this option, please write to me and I'll put you on the list, and let you know as soon as I know whether or not I can accommodate you.

I hope to see many of you there!

EDITED TO ADD: Finally, guest passes are go! We get to have as many guest attendees as those who are registered to stay on site. Currently, that is 11, so there are 11 slots. I have a waiting list, and there are currently 7 names on it. Guests will need to purchase meal cards to hang with us in the dining commons, and I'm asking $25 each to help cover the cost of the meeting room. Send me an email THIS WEEK if you're interested, because I have to have a final guest list turned in on Friday!

Looking forward to seeing as many people as possible there :slight_smile:

This will be a lot of fun!

Tremble in fear, for all is set for the arrival of Marko Markoko!


Finally, guest passes are go! We get to have as many guest attendees as those who are registered to stay on site. Currently, that is 11, so there are 11 slots. I have a waiting list, and there are currently 7 names on it. Guests will need to purchase meal cards to hang with us in the dining commons, and I'm asking $25 each to help cover the cost of the meeting room. Send me an email THIS WEEK if you're interested, because I have to have a final guest list turned in on Friday!


Oh, please. As if we are concerned with one little Flambeau from the Tribunal of the Winds... If it was one of your storm mages, THEN I might dredge up some concern!

I'm worried about Archmaga Belladonna from Greater Disneyland. I'm just hoping that she stops her Rego Terram and Perdo Terram experiments (see: ) before she arrives!

:open_mouth: :slight_smile:



I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and I'll try to keep my Perdo Terram botches under control while stationed so near San Francisco. It didn't go so well out here in L.A today... [size=75]I thought nobody would notice... thanks for outing me, Verticius. Tattle tale.[/size]

I have a person attending who has booked a double room, but the person who was going to share it with him has had to back out. He is willing to offer it to anyone willing to pay him the $150 he paid for it originally. This includes meals and admission price, so it's a pretty darn good deal. Any interested parties, send me an email ( and I'll forward it on to him.

Tut, tut, Belladonna! Your sigil of random acts of creativity was all over that one -- I really doubt anyone missed it. And we know that accidents happen and that you would not DELIBERATELY do such a thing after you helped clean up after the Northridge quake.

Your work in the aftermath of Northridge was masterful (putting up 12 immense stone bridges in two seasons -- how could it be anyone else?) and I promise not to ask where you got the vis .. or who you got it from ... or how the local nobles got all the gold to fix things. I note, without comment, that your rival terram magus hasn't been seen for some time since, however.

What puzzles me, though, is the Loma Prieta event up my way. We would prefer that you let the great dragon San Andreas sleep this time.

Magister Verticius Tytali

sigh If it had been a month earlier... this is right at the same time as Gencon...


Ben, you have een lamenting about the timing with GenCon for six months now. You know you would rather go to the Berkeley Tribunal :smiley: