Grog - Bavol, the Dancing Swordsman

Bavol, at game start

Characteristics: Int -1, Per 0, Pre 1, Com 1, Str 1, Sta 1, Dex 2, Qui 1
Size: 0
Age: 19, Height: 6'', Weight: 190 lbs, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1
Virtues: Affinity With Single Weapon, Covenfolk,Tough, Warrior
Flaws: Carefree, Fear (Heights), Nocturnal

Ability Score specialty
Athletics 4 (Dancing) 50
Awareness 3 (Night watch) 30
Brawl 3 (Fist) 30
Carouse 3 (Drinking) 30
Charm 1 (Flirting) 5
Chirurgy 2 (Bind Wounds) 15
Folk Ken 1 (Covenfolk) 5
Music 2 (TBD) 15
Living Language, Portuguese 2 (Sailor Lingo) 15
Living Language, Romany 5 (Entertaining) Free
Profession: Sailor 2 (Sea Legs) 15
Single Weapon 6 (Sword) 105
Stealth 2 (At Night) 15
Survival 1 (Coastal) 5
Swim 1 (Ocean) 5

I come up with 160 points in abilities (assuming Romany is your native language).
You get 45 for early childhood, 50 for warrior, leaving 65 points after childhood, at 15 points a year puts you five points above the age of 9. To be 19 you would need to spend another 145 points.

Updated for review

single weapon at 6 only costs 70 points with your affinity. I have this bringing you to age 18.

Wow, I don't know where my head is at today. I have updated again.

Which update did you raise Portugese? I now have you 10 points over. Also you are still showing single weapon at 105 points instead of 70

I raised my brawl to 3 for 15 points. I am only counting 70 for single weapon, but left 105 there to show the effective value if you want me to change it to 70 I will. The points come out to 305 as they should. 45+50+210=305

Got it- I apparently had music listed twice and another ability had been recorded as a supernatural ability (starting with 1 for free), this checks out now.