Grog concepts

Hi leo, does Anvy take human shape, or just metal humanoid shape? I'm not too certain on all prerequisite arcana, but wouldn't you need a Co prereq? Not sure if this raises the magnitude +1.

If you do it would replace a standard An prereq.

I didn't think about that, but I like the metal humanoid shape idea, I'll go for it!

Ok, thanks.

silveroak, Gloriana has no wish to craft a LR for herself just yet, as she wants to have a child hopefully with a Fertility ritual. But she has aged nonetheless! She directs dear Lucio to direct Beneditto the medic to provide her a regimen of +3. Not another wrinkle!

this will raise her living condition bonus from +2 to +3. Good news is the extra +1 benefit can be applied to up to 44 more characters...

Can we assume that among these 44 characters there are magi, apprentices and companions?

This can be magi, companions, and then either specialists or the turb...

Hi, silveroak, have all the grogs with the Monstrous Blood flaw inflicted by the high aura sprouted the horse tail and horse hooves? What's the general consensus, the Magi's fault, cursed by God, something else? How are they concealing this (I can picture a new fashion of very baggy trousers!)? From the characters I control, most would have some sort of idea, from Andros (least likely to notice) to Lady A (most likely to notice and interact with the coven folk)

Also: I see Erberto has been inflicted with this flaw, but if I remember correctly, the only Warping points he got were from the Stamina Rituals, and if he's Unaging from the Magic Realm, he should be unaffected by the high Aura.

Unaging is not from the magic realm, it is not a supernatural virtue. Yes the grogs have all been developing horse tails and hooves, specialized boots have concealed the hooves while cloaks or baggy pants have been used for the tails. There has also been a lot of ribald commentary about being hung like a horse, though that is not actually part of the effects.
The blame did fall with teh magi, which lowered the covenant's loyalty score (note to self- need to update the wiki) but the loyalty score was so high the effects were barely noticeable, except that the revenue growth is moderately slower, which again may not have been noticed given the robustness of the revenue stream.

Thanks! My pdf of the Core lists it on page 38 as General, but under the Unaging description in page 50, it reads "Minor, Supernatural". Did not find it in the Errata, so perhaps something to point out to the good folk at Atlas.

Mercurio, being of small frame, clever imposition, and not actually getting warped towards equine proportions, is going to do his best to spread and propagate that rumor. You know, partly to help the grogs' morale, and partly because it's funny.

silveroak, Gloriana crafts Byron's LR in Spring 1135: Lab Total: CrCo 64 + 17 MT + 5 Int + 6 Aura + 10 Lab + 11 Familiar + Mercurio aid 10 = 123, /10 as Byron has no Supernatural Virtues = 12.3, +13

The covenant has to pay 8 pawns of Cr/Co.

*an assuming Byron's solid MT + Int total is of no use to crafting his LR, as he is not aligned to Gloriana's magic.


Hi silveroak, some grog stuff I have noticed:

Marah the Potter has 17(18) Pottery, is this correct?

Noticed that in Prosperina's aging rolls, the Faerie blood -1 is missing.

*edit, yeah Marah is monomaniacal with Craft:Pottery, insane! Gloriana will appoint a class with her, for Training.

fixed prosperina, and yes an extreme focus on competency has become part of the covenant culture, along with seeking recognition by writing books.
are you sure you want to make your fertility fetish with only a +7 lab bonus instead of training either your craft ability or your fertility lore higher? You can only make one after all.
Additionally are you interested in having other women make fertility fetishes at the same time? They can be used either as a way to boost a lab total using fertility magic with that woman (Marah, for example, would get a +19 lab total if you wished her to bear enchanted children for you), and/or it can be used for a pawn of creo vis, rendering the woman barren at the time the vis is harvested (which can be after they die). Of course once the woman is barren it can't be used for a fertility ritual...

Good observations, thought about them, and the short answer is: lack of time!
Gloriana is getting old, she is 52. She may look 38, she may have some magic slowing her aging (Familiar cord), but her fertile years are mostly behind her. So she wants a "designer" child (which will be very expensive in both time and vis...and unplayable, probably, with more than 10 points in virtues, so more of an exercise than a character that would see play), like now! Before she has to get her LR.

She could say, Practice Fertility Lore for 3 Seasons for 4 + 2 = 6, for 18 xp, getting to FL 3. Then write 2 Tractati, SQ 11 probably, go on adventure for Resonant materials so that they are Q13, we are now up to 5-6 Seasons. She could Practice under Marah for Craft Pottery for 3 Seasons (over a couple of years, as Marah would only work 2 Seasons/year), and this would allow time for others to read her fertility tractati and write FL tractati themselves. So after 3 years there might be 4 Q10enish extra tractati. 4 seasons of reading these is at best 56 xp on FL (Book Learner), so FL up to 5 at best. So after 4 years of little else, Craft 5(6 fertility figures) + Dex 5 + Fertility Lore 5(6 appropriate specialty) = +17.... She'd rather get a +7-8 in less time, maybe get a few seasons of Original research for LRs that do not make Magi infertile

Her CrCo Lab Total is high even without the Fertility Lore assistance. And the 5 Insight from crafting her own Fertility ritual is not dependent on having a high skill in FL, but in building her own and using it for herself.

Harvesting vis will be the main thing here, yes, and getting arcane connections to different women, which would actually be pretty interesting for Bloodline spells. In any case, Gloriana needs to raise her Leadership (currently 2) to be able to supervise more women per season. Maybe establish an age limit, 40, say, when all women coven folk must learn some craft to make their own fertility fetish to hand over. Sounds a bit draconian, but in practice might not be that problematic ...and it's mystical and mysterious as hell! And every few years, if the Covenant foots the bill, Gloriana can create a super hero (say a Lab Total of 150+, that's 15 traits chosen by the magus).

Mercurio approves of Gloriana keeping more fertile young women in the lab with him.

by house rules as long as the fertility ritual created character is either ungifted or played by someone else, all of the FR granted abilities are considered free.
Also keep in mind that fertility lore does not require the Gift. You could write tractatus and/or train a grog to lead these workshops as well. There are certainly plenty of tractatus on leadership...

Hi silveroak,

Have changed Gloriana's plans slightly, put in one more season of training with Marah, in Winter (she was working Spring and Fall, changed to Fall and Winter now). Gloriana will be inflexible with this, she expects the potter to change her plans according to the Maga's needs.

somehow the potter is not surprised...