I'm still trying to decide where to place the church. Basically I thought close to the main covenant but not within the magical aura. That was before the discussion and agreement of cantons & division of land. I see it being logical to be on either the main covenant's allotment of land, or within Atlantia - as it will have the largest initial Christian population.
edit - Suggestion: perhaps at the southern part of the central canton, near where the river meets the mountains.That is far from the auras.
I'd like to hear what they other players think too?
In terms of name its probably going to be just the Church of Atlantis, dedicated to Saint Gregory. Anyone know how to name a medieval church?
Either location would work for me. I suppose it really matters whether you want it to be in an urban or a country location. My plan is to rebuild the city in Atlantia and try and get people to live there. So ultimately (in time) there will be people in the city again. A church would be a great draw there. And since I've pretty much resolved that it will eventually develop a Dominion Aura, having a church there won't harm things too much.
On the other hand, we could have it in the country to keep the strong Dominion Auras even more remote. (Though I'm not sure that it would be popular to ban churches from our population centers.
The ones I know are named by place: Canterbury Cathedral, Tewkesbury Abbey Church, that sort of thing.
I'd like it in the main population centre, so with your agreement lets plonk it where the city will be. It can help with the hub of population.
I see it being named similarly to the town, so whatever the town name is should be the base; "abcdef Chruch". I'd like the dedication to be part of the "longer thematic name" as I've found that the dedication sometimes matters, and Saint Gregory has a notable past. In character I think Father Augustus wouldn't want it to be called a cathedral even though its size and grounds might reflect that, as a cathedral often has a bishop in residence, and he's not looking to be a bishop, or snub the nose of the church by doing so without their blessing. In fact Father Augustus would probably love the grandeur and then still call it a church, to keep himself and others humble.