Gustav, at game start
Characteristics: Int -2, Per 1, Pre 1, Com -1, Str 1, Sta 3, Dex 1, Qui 1
Size: +1
Age: 22, Height: 1.88m, Weight: 90 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 0
Virtues: Large, Coven folk, Tough, Warrior
Flaws: No sense of direction, Offensive to Animals, Weakness (Drinking)
Ability Score (specialty) exp
Athletics 3 (running) 30
Awareness 3 (body guarding) 30
Brawl 4 (grapping) 50
Carouse 2 (Drinking) 15
Charm 2 (when drunk) 15
Folk Ken 2 (Coven folk) 15
Music 2 (Drinking Songs) 15
Living Language, Romany 4 (Rude words) 50
Living Language, French 5 (Rude words) free
Profession: Carpentry 3 (Fortifications) 30
Single Weapon 5 (Axe) 75
Stealth 1 (natural areas) 5
Guile 1 (elaborate lies) 5
Swim 2 (diving) 15
Full Metal Scale Armor (Soak 13)
Axe: Init +0, Atk +11, Dfn +7, Dmg+7
Axe and Heater: Init -1, Atk +11, Dfn +10, Dmg+7
Grappling: Init -1, Atk +6, Dfn 6, Dmg --
Fist: Init -1, Atk +5 , Dfn +5, Dmg+1
Dodge: Init -1, Atk --, Dfn +5, Dmg --
Kik: Init –2, Atk +5, Dfn +4, Dmg+4