Just started running an FS2 game, and putting a crib sheet together for myself to quick-reference some of the rules that might crop up without having to page-hunt in the main book.
So ... Healing? It's mentioned on p107 that the various healing abilities (Medicine, Heal schtick, Healing Chi schtick) "allow the healer to make a check and subtract the result from the recipient's Wound Point total". But nowhere (that I can find) does it list what the Difficulty of this check should be. Have I overlooked it somewhere?
Is there word from the Powers That Be as to what the Difficulty should be?
Or, if it's up to GMs, what have other people found to be a workable Difficulty? (I'm leaning towards 10, but anyone have any experience to weigh in with?)
(And do you allow characters with no listed Medicine skill to use the default AV of 7 to remember their first aid training?)
Thanks all!