Greetings everyone! I'm not sure what to say here other than I'm an old hat with gaming, but rather new to the world of Mythic Europe.
I first found Ars Magica when it was in 3rd edition, back in the early 90s. A group of us played various games at a local comic book store, and one day during the unpacking of the weekly shipment (several of us worked there too), this new book was included. We all picked it up and read the back, trying to figure out what the story was. I got hooked right there, and I ended up purchasing the core rules, Shamans, and ordering character sheet AND A Midsummer Night's Dream. I read them cover to cover, hoping our group would eventually play. Turns out, I was the only one who thought the game was awesome. So the books went on my shelf, and then into a back room, and eventually into a box that I haven't opened since before I moved across the country 3 years ago.
So fast forward to about 2 weeks ago, when I'm browsing the game planning threads at one of those other PBP sites, and someone posts up a thing for a potential Ars Magica 5E game. As soon as I read the thread, those memories of picking up the book the first time came back. I was intrigued, and my wanting to finally learn the game popped up again. I couldn't help myself - I went out and picked up the 5E book AND Metacreator, and I've been playing around with character creation since.
And now I've stumbled into this place here, hoping to find some like-minded people to hopefully take on a newb to the system (although not even close to being a newb at gaming or PBP) and help me learn all about this wonderful game.