And also Spontaneous magic, to begin with. Maybe I'm not getting it right, haven't read it thoroughly enough, or just plainly remember previous editions better.
When sponting, you look at the level guidelines, decide upon the tech/Form (e.g. Cr Ig), declare an effect (e.g. create light from a small rock, equivalent of a torch, base lvl 3), and Range, Duration, Target (e.g. touch +1 mag, sun +2 mags, individual +0), and calculate a final level (e.g. lvl 10). You roll, calculate and get a final level. Let's say we decide to spend fatigue, so we halve the total, and thus need a total of 20+, for our decided effect to happen.
If you get less that you wish for, nothing happens, if you get more, you get it, and nothing else. Right? This was the simple version, like in 4th ed, where Penetration was Casting Total.
But now things get more tricky, factoring in Penetration. In addition to the above example, you want penetration above 0, so you leave the effect open-ended, getting anything more than the minimum required total as penetration. So anything above the needed level 10 effect - after halving casting total - is penetration. Am I still on the ball?
And what about other open ended effects, are they still allowed? Using the same level as above, supposing I wanted the rock to shed light at minimum equivalent to a torch, or as high as I can get it? Could I do this? In that case, I'd need to specify how much - a fixed amount - to leave for Penetration. Right?
Or alternatively create light qeuivalent to a torch, with x penetration, for as long as possible, leaving Duration open ended (of course, Sun is the cap, since it's improvised).
So in conclusion, you can leave one factor open ended.
But what about Chaotic Magic? It's a Major Flaw, but it seems to me to be a relic from previous editions, made obsolete by the new rules.
When improvising, you do as normal, but if the effect attained varies by more than one level from what's specified, results get beyond your control. When and how does this happen? I can simply always leave Penetration open ended, in which case, only if not reaching the level wished for, does the Chaotic magic kick in. No very high Stress die rolls, with multiple 1's, can result in anything bad. And if I make sure I never improvise where I rely on any contribution from the die, then I'm in the clear. Sure, those chancing it, and calculating they'd probably roll 3+ more often than not, can get slightly higher effects, but the contricution of 1 die - unless it's at least one '1' - is only a full magnitude in the extreme. Perhaps the rounding down can sometimes mean a magnitude higher, but still...
So my question is, has anybody else seen this problem? Any fixes?