HELP Needed w/ InIm Targets - Especially Palm of Hearing/Seeing from TtA

Please help me!
I thought that I understood the concept of Intellego spells, but now I am totally confused.

Based on my understanding you have 2 general ways of using Intellego:

A, You use Intellego magic on a specific, exact target, like a particular fire, a particular person, etc. In that case the Target should be a normal target (Ind. Part, Room, etc), not a Sense one. This way you receive information only about the specific, exact target specified by the Target of the spell.

B, You use Intellego magic to create (or enhance) a sense. Mostly the Range is Personal and the Target is one of the Sense targets, like Smell, Hearing, etc

Based on the In Im guidelines if I want to use my sense at a distance there is an exact lvl for that in the spell GL.
Based on that and the Prying Eyes as an example, you can create a spell to touch your grog, concentrate and see the world from the grog's point of view. Like if you would have an eye on the forehead of that grog. Based on the design of Prying Eyes you need Base 1 for using 1 sense at a distance, Range: Touch to touch your grog, Duration: Concentration, and Target: Individual, bc your grog is an individual. If you want to perceive a whole room, you can use Target: Room instead, just as in the spell Prying Eyes, right?

So why on earth is there a Target: Hearing and a Target: Vision in the spells Palm of Hearing/Seeing in TtA p. 80. ?
You don't create/enhance a new sense to yourself or the grog, you just use a sense at distance!

I see two options here:
My understanding of Intellego and/or Imaginem magics is faulty beyond repair, or
The spells in TtA are a mishmash of the two ways of using Intellego and are faulty/unnecessarely complex spells to achieve an effect which is much more simple.

There are effects in Legends of Hermes p. 113 (View from the Mannequin, Ears of the Mannequin) that functions the same but they have target: Special (based on room).

In my opinion that is a better described effect.


IIRC, both take one sense and make it work at a distance. the design is simple, and elegant: POS targets your Sight, and moves it so that it works from the touched point.

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