Following suggestions from those in this forum, I've acquired and am now reading "Houses of Hermes: True Lineages". There are a number of details concerning it that are worth mentioning, but one thing in particular leapt out at me when I read the section on House Guernicus.
Where are all the Quaesitores cited in the work? According to "True Lineages", there are 98 Guernicus Magi, 80 or so of whom are active Quaesitores, plus another 41 Quaesitores from other Houses. That's one-TENTH of the Order. This is a dramatic change from all previously published works in which the Quaesitores are a small, overworked force, and Guernicus is itself a small House.
I went back through my sourcebooks and came up with the following demographic breakdown. Note that when I cite "known" Magi I refer to those whose Houses are known, including in a few cases Apprentices. The number of named Magi compose most of the total. The TOTAL number of Magi in the Tribunals are much higher; these are just the ones who are referenced in the books. For the first three Tribunals, the figures are from the 1194/5 census (i.e. 3rd Ed.).
PROVENCAL TRIBUNAL: 59 known Magi, only 2 of whom are Guernicus and Quaesitoris (1 at Doissetep, 1 roving). If the forward to the Rome Tribunal book is counted, there are another 2 at large (Jaranes and Tamgron). Quaesitores are 1/30th or 1/15th of all known Magi. Sources: original 2nd Ed. "Covenants" and "Mistridge".
IBERIAN TRIBUNAL: 29 known Magi (73 in total census), 7 of whom are Guernicus Quaesitores at Duresca. Quaesitores are 1/4 of all known and 1/10th or so of all censused Magi. Source: "Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia"
ROME TRIBUNAL: 81 known Magi, 10 of whom are Guernicus Quaesitores at Magvillus. Quaesitores are 1/8th of all census Magi, though there are a great many more unknown Independents in the Tribunal. Sources: "Tribunal of Hermes: Rome" and "The Mythic Seas" (Insula Magna).
LOCH LEGLEAN TRIBUNAL: 100+ Magi and only 1 Guernicus Quaesitor at Horsigas according to the canon. Quaesitor is 1% of the Tribunal population. Source: "Lion of the North".
NOVGOROD TRIBUNAL: 50 known Magi, 2 of them Guernicus Quaesitores at Three Lakes. Quaesitores are 1/25th of the Tribunal population. Sources: "The Dragon and the Bear" and "Mythic Seas" (Sinus Wodinis).
STONEHENGE TRIBUNA: 55 known Magi, 3 of them Guernicus Quaesitores, 1 each at Blackthorn, Burnham, and Schola Pythagoranas. Quaesitores are roughly 1/18th of the Tribunal population. Source: "Heirs of Merlin"
LEVANT TRIBUNAL: 50 known Magi, 2 Guernicus Quaesitois (1 roving, 1 at Domus Pacis), 1 Jerbiton Quaesitor at the Hermetic Embassy. Quaesitores are 1/17th of the known Tribunal population. Source: "Blood and Sand".
GREATER ALPS: 63 known Magi, 2 Guernicus Quaesitoris, 1 Tytalus Quaesitor, 1 Ex Misc Quaesitor, all at the Motherhouse of the Covenant of the Icy North. Quaesitores are 1/16th of the Tribunal's known population. Source: "Sanctuary of Ice".
RHINE TRIBUNAL: 79 known Magi, 2 Guernicus Quaesitoris (1 roving, 1 at Durenmar), and 1 Bonisagus Quaesitor (Durenmar). Quaesitores are 1/26th of the Tribunal's known population, though there are at least another 17-25 present. Source: "Guardians of the Forest".
As you can see, in almost every Tribunal except Iberia and Rome--both 3rd Ed., with smaller total populations of Magi (1220 counts a third again as members of the Order as 1194)--Quaesitores are a very distinct minority. So where are the ones referenced in "True Lineages"? Instead of averaging 10-12 Quaesitores for each Tribunal, the official numbers are more like 3 known on average, with another 1-2 presumptive unique to each Saga.