Hermetic Sanctuary

As i was working on the city level I started thinking of some of the residents and magic items for the sanctuary... Here's a few off the top of my head...

-Gwidion of Verditius (from Magi of Hermes)
-the enchanted plants would be a great way for water, light' and fresh air to be moved to all rooms.

-Rats Magica (from Sub Rosa #15)
-at first I saw the mage rats as a kinda computer doing research. But the after i thought of Gwidion's enchantments i could see the rats as those who care for the plants and make sure pests dont destroy them.

-The Cult of Memory (from The Peripheral Code #3)
-could do Harry Potter style paintings or sculpt busts to animate.


Finished the mapfor the "entertainment" level...

On the far left are 3 theatres for debate or plays.
There are some labs near the wizards quarters.
There are also grog quarters and 2 bathhouses... The large cave is for an artificial forest.

Just a comment. With the number of Magi you are building for, unless you're ditching the rules in Covenant, I don't think most experienced magi would be content with a Size +0 lab.

Have you checked out “Hermetic Projects” and “Transforming Mythic Europe”? They have examples of creating a new island from scratch, and building a tower as tall as needed. Good examples of spells and items to make construction easier.

Temprobe, all of the labs are at least 700 sq feet, which according to Covenants is size +1

Dan I have both books and both (and others) gave me ideas for the coming stories!

Counted the number of labs (283), mage quarters (432), and non-mage family quarters (410).

I have rough ideas for 3 more levels:
1- Farm level (also has mage quarters, labs, and farmers quarters)
2- Treasury level (vaults for silver and different vis (need to look into ways to prevent mass amounts of vis from being unstable) and a ton of labs)
3- The Dock level (docks and warehouse space)

Let me know if there are more specialized areas needed...

How about some type of freshwater lake? for all those freshwater fish/plants that a magus may be familiar with. If this tower is out in the ocean they don't want to travel too far to get any necessary "supplies" for their research (and food).

A level with open ground and lots of strong wind blowing across it. Perfect for indoor birds, auram magi and of course, laundry. Nice place to exercise the grogs too.

A special place for magi to do dangerous research or test new spells. Lots of enchantments on the surrounding walls to make them stronger, lots of PeVi spells and circular wards.

Not sure if you mentioned any stables or other areas for familiars, livestock or domesticated animals.

You could also do with some areas for magi to install portable vis sources. moving entire graveyards that generate corpus vis etc. Not all vis sources can be moved, but some of them can be (with appropriate research)

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maybe a secondary spire so that a disaster large enough to blow up the dangerous level cannot collapse the entire santuary

Yes, or a smaller companion tower.

Great ideas... That reminds me I'll need to make a list of enchantments and magic items.

Next level down... Mostly farm cave (i am thinking of magically diverted sun for growing). Unfortunately there's only about 7 acres....

If you think of having 160 wizards, consider this question: How do the Study Requirements magi study, in this covenant? It's a question you can ignore with 4-10 magi, not with 100+.

Actually the target is around 2000 magi. This could hold the entire order...

The main concern I have is food production. There is a 2-3 story library at the top... But I'm also compiling a list of other sources for studing.

The maps of the sanctuary now have: 332 labs, 661 magi quarters, and 466 non-magi family quarters

While reading other rpg books tonight i was hit with the idea that once the sanctuary is built it could be used for hermetic fairs and tribunals. It would also house warehouses for redcaps and a museum.

And the next level down is done!

Most of this level is the treasury. And there are 198 labs!

So far there is a total pf 530 labs, 661 magi living quarters, and quarters 466 families

Lol... I didn't see that till you pointed it out and now it's all i see!

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My other group is playing Traveler set in Mindjammer, so my mind jumped to this too. Damn, I really play in some crunch heavy systems.

I'm not sure about this level.. A huge kitchen the will have improved Dumb Waiters from covenants.

The area I'm not sure of is the 4 animal breeding labs.. First they are huge (4000 sq feet) and 3 have pits to keep animals from wandering away..

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Hello all!

I've taken some suggestions to heart and am in the process of redesigning the sanctuary.

I was also reading Transforming Mythic Europe and was toying with placing the tower on an island of pumice and let it be movable.