I want to create a new Holy Tradition that is different from the others: this time it should be a tradition that constist of fighters like crusaders and so on. I do this because one of our companions changed from a half giant who was at the start of the saga a diabolic/pagan helper and a hater of mankind and god to a pious man that lives with monks and helps them, has the highest scores in all Supernatural Lores, Theology, Canon Law ect. It was a good and refreshing story that wasnt planed at all by none of us, but now we all think he is ready for his first True Faith point after doint the last proof of faith (his next quest).
But in our group we also think, that he shouldnt become a monk only because of his True Faith: even example characters like the muslim knight from Semita Erabunda is a fighter with True Faith and several crusaders should have this Virtue too. In fact crusaders are stated as an example for people who gains their first True Faith score!
So we thought about another Holy Tradition of the crusaders (this example is for the Teutonic Knights because the covenant resides near the baltikum but you should do something like this for oter crusaders too). And we agreed that if fighters can have True Faith and use it for combat and can even get their first score only because of fighting and killing for god, such a Holy Tradition should fit very well in the setting.
Holy Tradition: Inner Circle of the Teutonic Knights
"Help, Heal, Protect"
Favored Abilities: Purity, Intervention, Transcendence, Second Sight
At the time (1234) our current saga takes place the Order of the Teutonic Kights fight against the pagans in the baltic lands after an order of Friedrich II. In the next decades they wil grow and some other orders will became a part of them.
Not every member of the order is a user of this methods and powers, in normal cases only the best kights (usually these with True Faith but there are exceptions) and most of the chaplains know how to use this. Because the order was originally an organisation of healers and not of fighters most of the inner circle concentrate on these effects. The behaviour of these truly holy kights is also different from most other crusaders, not only because of their True Faith: it is their stronger relationship to god that jelps them to lead this crusade in a more perfect way without much cruelty. They even heal pagans who doesnt confess or who spit on their cross, but these actions gave some of them such a good reputation even among the pagans that many of them become christians after they or someone they know got blessed.
This is far different from the behaviour of the infernal touched Kights of the Sword which murder and rape the pagan people in Pomerania. It is obvious that these two orders arent very friendly to each other but historically the Sword Kights will be defeated in 1236 by the pagans and this order will became a part of the Teutonic Kights!
Because of the Second Sight ability the order is capable of finding pagan/fearie regios easily and detecting supernatural attacks from their pagan foes. Because of this usefullness sometimes this ability is even taought to normal kights and even sergeants.
They can activate their Purity method in two ways: the first one is during a fight (or a show fight) after they got wounded or after they spend a fatigue level or a light wound. The other way is the cure of wounded or sick people: the kights devote themself so greatly in their healing without taking food, water or sleep that they can create truly miraculous healings.