horses immune to the gift

Under the description for Wizard's Communion that claim is not clearly stated. The way I see it, If one person cast a given ritual at its formulated level then its cost and casting difficulties are as normal, but Wizard's Comm is a MuVi effect that changes the nature of the subsequent spell cast such that its effective casting level (not effect level) is divided by the number of magi involved in the Wizard's Communion. If one divides the casting level then one should surely also divide the ritual vis cost to match the altered casting level.

Unless you can point out any specific ruling to the contrary I don't see this as an illegitimate interpretation of what Ive read. Nevertheless, I welcome you to prove me wrong. :wink:

I think the rules are very clear and your point is only a balance-breaking (making nearly every often used ritual like Aegis, Bountifl Feast, healing Spells, Wizards Tower ect cost only 1 or 2 Vis vor many covenants) interpetation: the spelsl description states clearly, that only the target level and not the spells level or magnitude or vis costs are reduced. And a MuVi spell cant (as you can read in the MuVi guidelines) create magical power (thats CrVi) and needing less vis (THE raw magical power) is something I would see as create magical power.

Hmm.. I see your argument. However I must that in case the wording of Wizard's Communion needs a serious errata for clarity.

What I the text says exactly (aside from your valid point about it saying "..the target number for the spellcasting roll...") is:

That last bit could easily be read (according to proper English sentence structure) as referring to "all the relevant requisites" for a 10th level spell, not the original level 50. I would implore one of the line writers to include this detail in any updated errata.

Just above, it says

So, wizard's communion changes the target level of the casting roll, not the spell's level.

At least, that's how I see things.

Yes, I get it. Doesn't change the vaguery of the paragraph re: "relevant requisites". It would have been much clearer just to write: "- including all the relevant requisites for the actual level of the ritual spell."

At any rate, 4 pawns invested to earn 12 or more is a good deal however you look at it. :wink:

You bet!!! :smiley:

Even more so in this case: If the horses are natural, you "just" need skilled mundanes to care for them for some years.

and just in time, too.

Thank you all for this great disussion. As it turned out, I didn't have time to check the rules last night due to working late. My session starts in a few hours, and i know that this question will be high on the list from my players.

A magical horse for 12 pawns, but I think you're right: a mage needs to learn how to ride it, and a magical SADDLE is in order. The whole point of these horses was to get the players to visit the selling covenant in the first place, to plant a few diabolical plot seeds....
