House and setting rules

  1. affinity and puissant abilities for abilities with (categories) will carry across all categories. Affinity for living language or affinity with dead language are mutually exclusive with linguist, but not with each other.
  2. aura variation rules will be used
  3. income variation rules will be used, with the following modifier: 1/2 the prevailing loyalty will be added to the die roll as more loyal people tend to put more effort into the job
  4. prevailing loyalty is modified as follows: rewards can only gain a total of +5 loyalty points, and every 2 years with no rewards will drop the bonus by 1 point. Loyalty points from altruism are lost at 1 point every 5 years, loyalty from reputation lasts only as long as the reputation itself does, similarly negative points for wounds, attitude or punishment are lost at the same rate points are gained for familiarity, but not while familiarity points are being gained.

spell mastery: custom target- this form of spell mastery allows the magus to define one extra target per level which does not take warping from having this spell cast on them.

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house rule: when using an affinity I effectively use half points- on my own sheets I keep track of total amounts spent and then multiply by 1.5 instead of applying the modifier and rounding every time experience is earned. How you track it is a personal decision as long as we wind up in the same place.

expirimental rule: encoded books- please comment on this if you think there is a way to improve this rule: a book can be written so that it requires a certain ability at a certain level to understand- this can be the ability which the book is on- for example a book on parma magica can be encoded so you have to have parma magica:1 in order to read it. To encode a book you have to have the ability used for encoding at a minimum of 5, and cannot set the encoding at more than one half your own level, rounding up. This is not, however, completely secure- if a person has at least 4 books using the same ability for encoding they can try and decode that ability from the books, with a SQ as if they were realia, but with a maximum level of the lowest level of encoding. The maximum number of books which can be used for such decoding is equal to the readers artes liberales score. Furthermore the existence of such coding may be hidden within vulgar poetry in the language the book is being written in- doing so requires an extra season to write the poetry itself, but it will not be recognized to even have encoded material unless the reader has the required ability at a level half that required to decode the lesson (minimum encoding level of 2)

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Book writing: I have decided to modify book writing rules as follows:
1- scribe, illustration, and bookbinding will give craft bonuses and penalties as described in city and guild
2- the average of the author's ability in teaching and in craft:poetry (rounded up) will be added to the quality of their writing.

virtue/flaw balancing: this only needs to balance at the beginning of he game. childhood flaws will need to be replaced with regular flaws as you age, but virtues and flaws gained from apprenticeship does not need to balance.

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magic entities will follow the examples rather than the RAW in that they may take magic lore without any other virtues to grant access to the ability.

Magister in Artibus for mages: as per the core book these social statuses may be taken together, however the minimum age for a magister is raised by 15 years to fit their apprenticeship in, unless a major virtue of selfless parens is taken, which includes weak parens as a part of the virtue as the parens had less time for training the apprentice in order to allow for their academic career.

instruction manuals:
This variation on craft manuals can be used for teaching a specific ability in a classroom setting: to make such a manual a teacher will take notes from their classes both before and after instruction, and then spend one season organizing the notes from a previous season. This manual will provide a bonus to any other teacher teaching the same subject equal to 1/3 the SQ of the class taught before any bonuses for individual or dual instruction. These are rapidly becoming popular in universities where philosophical "learning lab" classrooms are also being experimented with to boost instruction capabilities.

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  1. I'm going to say that flooding the world with grogs is fine. However, there is a limit of creating 3 grogs per player per established covenant as members of that covenant.
  2. non-magi characters who do not have an established relationship with a covenant should have independent goals that are not simply wanting to join a covenant
  3. An exception to number 1 will exist for descendants of established characters, using dynasty rules from lords of men as guidelines for offspring
    4)grogs may be attached to companions, depending on the companions social status

Magical senses may be granted with Mu(In)Co spells as well as Mu(In)Me.

lab assistants do not always have to be gifted or failed apprentices- if a person is found with a supernatural virtue related to a magus personal understanding of magic they may serve as a lab assistant- the most common is merinita assistants with faerie blood and upbringing, though other situations doe exist. For common associations a second supernatural virtue or flaw is required that relates, or the virtue must be major. For more individual understandings of magic a single virtue may suffice.

craft magic and city and guild- the "ease factor" for craft work is 6 points higher than the workshop total for calculating the necessary finesse roll to replicate craft work.

When generating a covenant, laborers, servants and teamsters are only 1 point of inhabitants, regardless of season.

Quick question, since we have two members of the Lineage of Pralix Iā€™m putting the question here. The text regarding their specific brand of Weak Magic Resistance says (HoH:S p126):

Major Hermetic Flaw: Weak Magic Resistance, against any spellcaster whom the maga has not analyzed using her Comprehend Magic Ability

Iā€™m curious if that means one needs to view them for the full 3 rounds or if merely beating their MR with a Comprehend magic roll and receiving that first round of information (see details of Comprehend Magic ability HoH:S p128-9)? The primary issue being what is the definition of analyzed in this context?

I believe it's the one round, as this already gives you some information; this allows Pralicians to ask their sodales for that 1 round, without getting too deep into their secrets.

3 rounds- analyzed, not perceived.

How are the rules for finding a familiar during p/g development? As far as I can see from existing characters, it is sufficient to dedicate a season to binding one. I suppose the familiar was found during some adventure implicitly subsumed into a preceding xp granting year.

Is this correct?

Check the virtues and flaws. My character bound her Magical Animal Companion.