house rules and rulings

I can't find the rules for creating characters who'll join the covenant after its founding. I'm using the books to make my character up to his Gauntlet. How much EXP per season should I add after that? How should I do Mystery Initiations?

30 xp per year, no mystery initiations outside of gameplay. Labwork reduces the 30 xp by 10/season.

Thanks, Kuiti!

Familiar advancement- when a familiar has a might score, which it is not required to have- it's skill development is penalized per season by its might score unless it is studying with the magus it is bound to- exposure working with the magus, training experience with the magus, being taught by the magus. It can even be rid of penalties from reading if it is corresponding with the magus. There is no penalty to writing, provided the familiar has both the abilities and physical requirements (hands or magical equivalent) to do so.

Warping- this is most decidedly a house rule: I keep track of warping by realm, not as a single score. It does not make sense to me that someone who's predominant source of warping is divine, for example, should be rushed to that warping by exposure to an infernal aura, or vice versa, so each realm has its own warping score. The upside is it is likely to slow actual warping effects, the downside is you can suffer each level of warping effects once for each realm...

I follow the rules as presented in The Sundered Eagle, roughly- roughly in that you will never achieve high-end communication going cross language, but in terms of being able to convey ideas it will work. So story telling will convey a rough idea of the plot and seduction will need to rely on something more than a clever tongue.
Itallian and Spanish would be at roughly -3 each way, so French at 5 would allow you to convey ideas as if you had a 2 in Itallian.

This does not work for reading and writing.

Adventure xp advancement does apply to grogs as well. people who played them have first choice on how points are spent, then whoever made them has second voice, after that anybody can suggest, if nobody does the storyteller will assign advancement for grogs.

Grogs who are not in adventures may either advance by the dictates of their creator, someone else who 'claims' them for long term advancement, or the storyteller.

Item of quality will stack with manufacturing quality of an item. However the item must be manufactured in the lab, and a lab can only be a 'workshop' for one particular form of craft, requiring one season to establish it as such. This season may also install a related focus (for example a blacksmith workshop for a lab can install a forge)

Do we have any rules on two weapon fighting? (florentine knife fighting or dueling?)

my 'translation' has been that it is the same as sword and board- you add the off hand equipment stats to your total. For those not wanting to commit suicide with Florentine, it should be noted that traditional Florentine weapons had special modifications which enhanced their usefulness as a defensive tool (such as basket hilts which could break an opponent's weapon). A traditional off hand weapon for Florentine fighting should be an expensive weapon, with statistics:
Init:1, Atk:1, Def:2, Dam:2, Str:-4, load:0, and giving a +2 for rolls involving breakage- to win the quick contests, as a bonus to the roll to avoid breakage and subtracted from an opponents roll to avoid breakage.
Of course if you simply aren't worried about defense (maybe you have in immunity to iron weapons) then feel free to hack away at someone with two long swords, it certainly can be done.

if a character gains experience from multiple adventures in the same season, these xp may 'stack' as if they were from a single adventure. They are still exclusive of other sources such as books, training/teaching, or studying vis...

[tab][/tab] Any cap on that? There should be.

I'll say a cap of 30 per season, if you are having more than that in adventures in a season you probably have too much going on to keep track of it all...

Meh, if the pacing of the campaign is such that you have four+ adventures a season you its probably fine. Actually that's not true I would say you need to stop adventuring so much. Really I wonder how a person would even manage.

I certainly don't expect it to happen regularly- I expect there will be many seasons with no advntures, but when there are things needing done (like starting the covenant or seeking resources) then someone might well take a season off to get several things done in fairly short order.

What are how house ruling (not so much house rule as determination) on the consumption of created food or water. If I do a Creo Aquam to fill a large vat of water with a duration of Sun, and then we drink from that during the day, do folks end up properly hydrated or do they end up very thirst when the sun sets? (My expectation is that they end up thirsty, but I don't actually understand why.)

[tab][/tab] Em...the created water inside them disappears. I think there was a spell that produced ale with duration sun... it was meant to counter morning hangovers :smiley:

That is correct. Now you have been in Malta long enough to realize that the vast majority of the island is made of limestone and the nearest bay (unimproved) is about a mile away. Limestone is a very porous rock, so you should have a water table about 60 yards down.

So you mentioned having different warping for each realm. Does that mean you track warping scores independently? Do you have the same warping response to each realm as well?

track each realm independently.