How does Regio work?

I all

I my Saga we haven’t used regio at all, but I think it is about time to introduce a regio.
But my problem is that I don’t understand who it works, so please help me by answering some questions.

If we have a tower that is in a regular Aura, you can enter the tower and look out the window and see the world around the tower.

But what happens if the place where the Tower is standing becomes a Regio?

Does the tower exist both in the “normal” world and in the Regio world?
What happends if the tower is destroyed in the normal world?

If you are entering the regio, by running around the tower clock wise to times, and then enters the tower.
Do you disappear from the “normal” world?
What can you see when you look out the window?

How do you leave the Regio?

regios are the path to fantasy : they are what you want them to be.

Need a "plane pocket " (D&D like) of fire? => regio.
Need a "time dilated plane" => regio.

Must the regio be populated with animals? to be a desert with nothing except sand? there you go.
Must it be below sea? okay

A village that disappear and appear only 1 night by 100 years? it can.

Need a regio to play your favorite "code geass" scene on the Sword of Akasha? you have it.

Need the regio to be a connection to the other side of the world and a Japanese trip? you can have it.

Depends on the specifics of the regio. You might look out and see the mundane world. You might look out and see only an impenetrable fog. You might look out and see fantastic otherworldly landscape.

I've seen examples of regios where different versions of the tower exist within and without. Think of ghost stories and fairy tales where the heroes enter a mysterious house at night, get caught up in strange events and escape, only to return in the morning and find only an ancient ruin where the house had been. That's an example of a regio.

I think yes, generally. Usually, entering a regio involves passing through a "doorway" or otherwise going out of sight. Someone from the outside might see you run around the tower twice and then go in the door. If he followed you in the door, he wouldn't see you on the other side.

Depends on the regio. Sometimes by reversing the process you used to get in. Other times, the way out is totally different. Sometimes, you just get dropped out when your "story" is over.

Hmm, I think I get it now.


I have a question:

Are there negative affects from being within a regio for an extended period of time?

Example: I am creating a hibernia covenant within a Magic Regio set within a larger Faerie Aura (I have a big explanation of the locale/story in my noggin' that I will spare you :laughing: ). After a number of years would the magi and covenant folk get additional warping from living within the regio?

Could the buildings take on magical properties (say some type of sentience?), the mundane animals start breathing fire? Just curious, I have ordered a copy of RoPM, but it's going to be a few weeks. Are there rules for time in the regio? Such as if you set it to exist "out of time," then when a character comes back to regular time by exiting, does aging have applied as a rule?

My first thoughts are if you can imagine it, then you can have it in a regio... but then there has to be some drawback, no?


Because all regios include auras, those who spend too much time within them can suffer from Warping. This includes inanimate objects, but not creatures or items that are native to that regio (although such things are usually already magical).

Hermetic Magi are immune to Warping from Magic Auras, but suffer normally in the Dominion, Faerie & Infernal auras unless they possess a virtue like Faerie Magic which affiliates them with that aura-type. I have to plead serf's parma regarding the exact contents of RoP: M, but if I recall correctly, not a lot of space is devoted to regios. That said, however, the section of the Magic Realm provides some great ideas that might be more applicable to magical regios.

There's a Boon in Covenants (pages 7-8) called Time Dilation or Contraction. It mentions, for example, that it is possible for aging to come "crushing down" on someone who has spent a lot of time in a time-dilated regio and then leaves, but it is also possible (and seems to be a bit more common) that this doesn't happen. It also mentions that the most time-dilated regio that has actually been settled by the Order is one where one regio day equals one Mythic Europe month; on the other side, in the most time-contracted regio settlement, every regio year is just one seventh of a Mythic Europe year.

Anyway: do whatever is fun for you!

The reason I asked about inanimate objects within the aura is that I had an idea... a standing stone (or cairn as they are called) would have been an object of worship, directly linked to the Magic aura -- and being exposed to this over centuries and centuries develops something akin to sentience (not necessarily anything very cognizant, like you could not engage in a conversation with it, but that perhaps like a recorded device it would drone on in it's slow way about the legendary battle that took place 500 years ago).

It's really just to add some flavor --

Great thank you both~ I think I have a clearer picture. I will look up the boon in Covenants! :wink:

And you'll be able to use RoP: Magic to design it :smiley: