How to replicate a starry sky indoors

I want to create a Room enchantment that changes the appearance of the walls and ceiling so that they look like the nighttime sky instead of stone. Changing the appearance is a straightforward MuIm effect, but I want the illusory stars and moon to give off real light. How would I design this effect? With a CrIg requisite? Can you even make a Mu(Cr)Im(Ig) effect?

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Either MuIm to change the appearance of the walls and ceiling, or CrIm to overlay their appearance with the illusion of a nightsky.
And yes, adding a CrIg requisite for light should do the trick.
So either CrIm(Ig) or Mu(Cr)Im(Ig) - and yeah the latter combination, while weird-looking, should certainly be possible.

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You can also MuTe just like with A Window of Singular Direction (HoH:TL p.141 + erratum) to make the stone transparent from one direction.

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The room is underground, so that wouldn't work here.

I guess it depends how deep underground that is, and what's above the lab. If it's underground and there's a town or forest over it, yeah, the MuTe option sounds useless. But if it's merely underground, all you're looking at is possibly some kind of size modifier with target part.

On the Imaginem side, if you merely want an image a nightsky, ErikT's solution works, but doesn't necessarily allow you to project the current night sky - merely an image of a night sky.

If you want the current night sky, I would tend to go for Intellego Imaginem, with R: Arc (which involves fixing an arcane connection, probably, to a location where you get a good view above), and an effect that has a linked trigger using CrIm(Ig). You could optionally add an Auram req to your InIm effect to be able to see the night sky unimpeded by pesky things like cloud.

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