Idea of concept for Ex Miscellanea tradition
Shadow manipulation is an accelerated ability, based on different idea I got through series and internet, I stay open to suggestions ideas toward the creation of this Major supernatural virtue
[size=150]Shadow Manipulation Tradition[/size]
Major supernatural virtue : Shadow Manipulation *
Minor hermetic Virtue : Harnessed Magic
Minor hermetic flaw i[/i]: Flawed Power ( Need light to be able to work on)
Major Hermetic flaw : Environmental Magic Condition ( During Night)
Shadow Manipulation : A character with this ability is able to stretch, use or suppress his own shadow in order to interact with others or his environment. The basic range of this ability is normally quite short up to 10m and can affect normal individual (Size 0 max) and the maximum capacity of stretch is limited to 50m adding the corresponding the difficulty level to maximize it
If someone or something else shadow is affected by this ability,the caster can control the owner of the affected shadow to some extent.
This an ability which need to be used against an ease factor grid to determine the level of difficulty and the success of the attempt.
Casting total : Perception +Ability +Aura Modifier +die roll (Stressed)
Penetration total : Casting Total +Penetration Score -Ease Factor
Throwing Object via shadow : (Finesse +Per)/2 +Dice (Stress) vs normal ease factor
[tableborder][tr][td]Ease Factor[/td][td]Possible Effect[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+3[/td] [td]Distinguish all type of shadows around[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+6[/td] [td]Mark another shadow, Slightly change the color, Stretch it[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+9[/td] [td]Ability to move while using the ability, Suppress your own shadow[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+12[/td] [td]Affect the shadow of someone else (Paralyse) or something else (throwing object)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+15[/td] [td]Solidify your own shadow in order to grab object and bring them to you, use your shadow as a piercing weapon (Lance)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+18[/td] [td]Divide an stretch your shadow to act as a group of weapon, Totally ,Control the movement of someone else.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+21[/td] [td]Hide yourself in the shadow of someone else[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+24[/td] [td]Create an arcane connection with the shadow of someone else[/td][/tr][/tableborder]
Adding Effect
[tableborder][tr][td]Level of Difficulty to add[/td][td]Special Changes[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+3[/td][td]Affect a pair[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+3[/td][td]Size of the material Target (up to Size+2)[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+6[/td][td]Affect a group[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+3[/td][td]Reach up to 20m[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]+6[/td][td]Reach up to 50m[/td][/tr][/tableborder]
But as well require to roll the grid to determine the duration of the spell.
Duration choice (Up to) = Stamina + Ability Score +Concentration +Dice (Simple Dice) =/> Ease Factor
[tableborder][tr][td]Duration[/td][td]Ease Factor[/td][/tr]
Working toward different breakthrough could be such as, Target Pair, or Hermetic Breakthrough a new form : Shadow