Ideas for a spell that uses Auram and Imaginem...

Reylar Valerian, perhaps the most hapless mage in the Rhine, hit his first twilight a while back, while trying to cast magic in a nasty regio.

He managed to get a positive effect.
He learned a spell... a spell of 7th magnitude, due to the extremity of his botch (he did take 3 seasons to heal afterwards).

SO... I'd like to get this auram and imaginem mage thinking in terms of his strengths. He seems to default to whatever other people are doing, and forgets where he's spent all his study.

SO, he's big on Muto, Auram and Imaginem. His Techniques are alright, so any Technique is fine.

That having been said, can anyone come up with some interesting ideas for a high level spell that works with what he has.

I am coming up somewhat blank, having made few spells thus far in Ars Magica...

Thanks in advance!

What about something like Lucius's spells? In my versions thereof:

Hammer of Thor CrAu(Re) 40 (Base 5, +4 unnatural, +2 sun, +1 Re): enchant a metal weapon, covering it with lightning. The weapon deals +30 damage with every hit. (The Rego requisite prevents harm to the wielder.)

Sphere of Airy Protection
MuAuAq 25 (Base 10, +1 touch, +1 diameter, +1 part, free requisite)
The air around within 50 paces of you acquires the viscosity of a thick liquid. You appear to be at the center of a honey-color tainted somewhat translucent sphere. You and anyone standing near the center of the area enjoy a +25 to Soak against ranged weapons fired from outside the sphere, and melee attacks against you are at a -2 Attack and -3 Damage penalty. Movement through the transformed air is difficult, fast (walking-speed) movement requiring an EF 12 Strength check. Long efforts (such as swinging melee weapons or moving for more than a round or two) will require exertion (Fatigue loss). The SG should decide what penalties and costs apply on a case-by-case basis.

Clouds Castle
MuAuTe25 (Touch, Moon, Individual, Base 5)
Changes a normal cloud to an unnatural substance with the rigidity of wood or ice. It can be shaped with carpentry or similar tools. The cloud still floats on the winds just like a normal cloud, but its newfound regidity holds it from dispersing. It can carry a great weight, as much as 10,000 pounds for a large cloud.

Call the Lightning Army
ReAu 45 (Base 15, +2 sun, +1 touch, +2 group, +1 control spirit)
This spell summons 10 jahn, arab air elementals and warriors composed of lightning and whirlwhind. They have Magic Might 10. They will obey the magus for hte duration of the spell or their destruction, at which point they dissipate into thin air.

God of Thunder MuReCoAu45 (Base 30, Personal, Individual, Sun, +1 Rego req)
This powerful spell turns the caster into pure lightning. He can switch back and forth between lightning and human forms by concentrating for a round. As lightning, he is immune to most physical harm but subject to Auram spells. He can travel at great speed, by moving to and from clouds or crawling upon the ground. His mere touch causes great damage to any physical object or being, causing +30 damage per round.
Items carried by the caster are not transformed. The caster cannot use words or gestures while in lightning form.

None precisely 7th magnitude, and most requiring requisites the magus may not have. But perhaps it will give someone ideas. Definitely some interesting things to do with Auram magic.

There are also some fairly high-level spells in the spells wiki, but nothing that seems more appropriate (without knowing the magus).

Not forget:

Picture of the Landscape(CrIm10, Touch, Ring, Individual, Base 1, +2 complexity)
You normaly cast this spell on a page of a book(on wich is a ring drawn) or a picture inside a wooden frame. Inside the ring or on the picture a perfectly drawn picture of a non-moving landcape, a building, a obelisk covered with ancient runes or something else the caster wishes is created on the paper, this requires an Intelligence + Finesse roll. With this the caster may also copy existing things but this require a Perception + Finesse roll.

Picture of the Battle(CrIm15, Touch, Ring, Individual, Base 1, +2 complexity, +1 moving images)
You normaly cast this spell on a page of a book(on wich is a ring drawn) or a picture inside a wooden frame. Inside the ring or on the picture a perfectly drawn picture of a moving and chaning battle a tree that changes from one season to another, a dancing bear or something like this is created on the paper, this requires an Intelligence + Finesse roll. With this the caster may also copy existing things but this require a Perception + Finesse roll.

Perfect Picture(CrIm, Touch, Ring, Individual, Base 3, +2 complexity, +1 moving images)
You normaly cast this spell on a page of a book(on wich is a ring drawn) or a picture inside a wooden frame. Inside the ring or on the picture something or someone is created on the paper that moves, makes sounds and smells as the caster wishes. With this spell you can create a singng trubadore that sometimes uses his skills to play with balls, tells you some (defined) storys or you can create a picture of a kitchen in which a meal is amde and can wath the maid who do this, hear the sound of the fire and smell the food when it is ready. This requires an Intelligence + Finesse roll. With this the caster may also copy existing things but this require a Perception + Finesse roll.

Picture of the Lady(CrImMe40, Touc, Ring, Individual, Base 2, intricacy, +6 Mentem requisite as in the spell "The Shadow of Human Life CrImMe40)
You normaly cast this spell on a picture inside a wooden frame. A person inside the picture is created which has simulated intellect and functions as an independent human, albeit a stupid one capable of interpreting general orders in new situations. The "Intelligence" and "Communication" of the picture demands on an Intelligence + Finesse roll (dont forget the aura!): every point is like a point in character creation but the lady starts with -3 Int so for -2 she needs 6 points in the roll, for a 0 she needs 10 points and for a +3 she needs 20 points in the roll. She speaks latin according to her Int/Com starting with 0, so a Int/Com score of 3 would grant her a 6 in latin.
With this spell the magus Larius ex Jerbiton protected his lab and his sancta, the guarding Lady was capable to see if someone was a uninvited person, ask him for the secret codeword and make a loud alarm sound that could be heard in every corner of the covenant.
All these spells are inventions of Larius ex Jerbiton and his fine pictures created wit his high Finess score and his Free Expresison Skill were sold to many covenants and even some mundane folk.


keep in mind that a twilight learned spell doesn't have to be one you can currently cast.

Air from the Mine Shaft

Muto Auram Level 35
Range: Sight
Dur: Sun
T: Ind

Turns the air in an area about 1000 paces across into toxic air, as is found in a deep unventilated mineshaft. Men cannot breathe such air for long, and each minute exposed to this poison he must make a stamina check, starting at 3+ and increasing by one every minute. Thus after 10 minutes the stamina check has risen to 13+. When anyone that needs to breathe in the area fails a stamina check, they lose a fatigue level. When he has lost consciousness due to fatigue, the next failed check results in a Light Wound, and this would gets one step worse for every subsequent failed check. This should kill almost everything in the area that doesn't have the presence of mind to flee in about 15 minutes. The storyguide should judge how quickly the toxic air actually stays in the area, given wind conditions, and what effects it might have on things down wind.
(Base 3, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, +2 size, +1 unnatural)

NOTE: On further thought, I suppose this should have a +1 mag bump for being "unnatural", basically being air found indoors in the great wide open. Some might argue Ritual.

Here are a few for you...

Cr(Pe)Au(Ig) 35 Boreas' Fist
[Base 5 + 1 touch + 4 divorced from natural setting + 1 PeIg req] T/M/I

A sort of reverse-tornado of freezing cold wind blasts forth from the caster's hands. The cylinder, 3 paces across and 33 paces long, forces any caught within it to make a size stress roll of 10+ or be thrown 10 paces and suffer a +8 wound. A size stress roll of 15+ will allow the victim to maintain his position, and 18+ allows a victim to keep his footing. The horrible, biting cold requires a stamina stress roll of 10+ or suffer a long term fatigue level.

Cr(Mu, Re)Au(Im, Te) 35 Grog from the Mists
[Base 3 + 1 touch + 1 Concentration + 2 created in a very unnatural fashion + 3 MuReTe req + 1 complexity] T/C/I

At his touch, the magus summons forth a thick, billowing fog from the earth and fashions it into a solidified, longsword wielding misty warrior that battles at the caster's direction, using either his single weapon score or his (finesse -3, no less than 1) score. The soldier has a strength of +2, a soak of +4 and dissipates if it suffers a medium wound or greater.

This spell cannot be cast indoors.

InIm 35 Oracle's Sight
[Base 1 (See at a distance) + 4 arcane connection + 1 Concentration + 4 Vision + 1 alter an ability] A/C/V

This spell allows the caster to see at any location he to which has an arcane connection, and can see even in pitch darkness. This spell must penetrate the MR of individuals at the location in order to see those individuals.


Multiple requisites do require additional magnetudes

I would use the casters finess -3 or sword skill if the spell controlled one "sword" I think that I might penalize further when controling several. (of course your warrors are not acting as a group either).

I might also forgo the creo aspect of this spell and make the caster come up with their own cloud of mist to cast the spell upon.

By seeing without actual light at the location I believe that the cater is not using specais/species/what ever that word is. I think that when using this spell anything with magic resistance should be invisible to the casster unless he penetrates their MR.

It's Only a Herd of Cows

Muto Imaginem 35
R: Voice
D: Sun
T: Group

Changes the look, sound, feel, and smell of a group of up to 20 humans into that of a herd of cows. Those transformed are advised to move slowly to avoid suspision, and have a plan since talking is transformed into lowing.
(Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group. +1 size)