Investigating the death of Apollodorus Jerbitonis

Roberto can continue the investigation here.
And the SG advises the player not to jump to conclusions before additional testimony is heard.

Gotcha. Roberto is still in the war room with a gathered few magi, right?
I am presuming this takes after "Friendly Duel" and before "Kangaroo". Correct?

It can be whenever you want it to be... Even immediately prior to the Tribunal/trial of Calefacto. It's immaterial to that trial.

I'm poking this anthill... It's up to the player(s) to progress this story.

Well, here's what we know, as best I can recall. Some of the information is stuff that only one or two people know.

  • Apollodoros was last seen alive when Valerian and his lackeys arrived in summer of 1222 to kill him (although this last was a surprise to his lackeys, apparently – they thought they were doing a little b&e.)
  • He was felled by a knife to the chest, although this was only seen by Ulrich and Deykin (I think).
  • His body wound up at Fiona's feet when she was trying to [strike]hold the regio portal between Mons Electi and the Magic Realm open[/strike] anchor the regio (at Apollodorus's request), to prevent the regio from being torn apart and cast into the Magic Realm. His body was, to the best of my knowledge, never recovered, his body or spirit or shade or whatever was still speaking to Fiona at this time, and she didn't notice if the body wound up in Magic or back in Mons Electi.

So, Twilight is a distinct possibility. Or his body wound up in Magic, in the Blacksmith's house somewhere (?).

Fiona's probably assumed, since she was in Magic for a while (a couple of weeks? A month?) that the body had been properly...I want to say "disposed of," but that sounds disrespectful. And no one's really bothered to ask her about it.

And Fiona is the one that makes Roberto the most nervous, because he should have been questioning her. But he has been avoiding her politely :slight_smile:

((Actually, and I don't mind if Fiona "knows" this, but Fiona was standing between the regio and the mundane world. She was effectively anchoring the regio. Apollodorus had her stand there to prevent the regio from being torn apart and cast into the Magic Realm. Fiona's tripping and falling just let me send Fiona to the magic realm. She wasn't the original person I had planned to send there.))

((original post edited))