is there any book about the tremere vampires?

No. WoD Tremere who want to take over the world would be as close as you get.

Whether or not the Church is evil is also very much dependent upon your point of view, too. :slight_smile:

Tremere in ArM5 do the whole unified front, respectable public face, support of order (not necessarily putting them at the top; they're long-term thinkers) and attempting to co-opt the society they live in to their model of life. Pragmatism is a big part.

Conservatism, however, is most definitely not. As a house, they're very liberal. They're constantly pushing and testing the structure of the Code, they're firmly in the 'transitionalist' camp, they're always going to be the ones agitating for things like apprentice rights, or specialist convenant support. The Tremere voting bloc is often going to oppose the machinations of large, stable autumn covenants precisely because the House doesn't want power condensing in places that aren't it. So small, spring covenants that are being bullied by large, overbearing autumn covenants are often going to find an ally in House Tremere, and one that isn't necessarily going to come knocking and asking for payment after the fact.

All that said, individuals within the House are as capable of being asshats as anyone else.