
current version:
Int 3 Per 0
Pre 0 Com -1
Str 0 Sta -1
Dex 2 Quick 0

Virtues: arcane lore(minor +1), covenfolk(free +0), mythic tool maker(minor +1), affinity with tool making(minor +1)
Flaws: incomprehensible(minor -1), fascination with magic(minor -1), necessary magic aura for toolmaking(minor -1)

Abilities:Romaic Greek 5, area lore Thessalonika(marketplaces) 3, Latin(church usage) 2, magic theory(setting up labs) 3, magic lore(esoteric metals) 2, dominion lore(saints) 1
craft:tool maker(magical labs) 7, organization lore:Order of Hermes(Thessalonika covenant) 2, single weapon(longsword) 4, bow(longbow) 4

start of game:
Int 3 Per 0
Pre 0 Com -1
Str 0 Sta -1
Dex 2 Quick 0

Virtues: arcane lore(minor +1), covenfolk(free +0), mythic tool maker(minor +1), affinity with tool making(minor +1)
Flaws: incomprehensible(minor -1), fascination with magic(minor -1), necessary magic aura for toolmaking(minor -1)
Personality: focused +1, loyal +1

Abilities:Romaic Greek 5, area lore Thessalonika(marketplaces) 3, Latin(church usage) 2, magic theory(setting up labs) 3, magic lore(esoteric metals) 2, dominion lore(saints) 1
craft:tool maker(magical labs) 7, organization lore:Order of Hermes(Thessalonika covenant) 2, single weapon(longsword) 4, bow(longbow) 4

Isador's ability as a mythic toolmaker allows him to avoid warping (having a magical virtue) and add the aura to his workshop totals, giving him a quality total of 15 inside the regio aura and 6 (including his requiring a magical aura with tool making) in the city proper. Combined with his fascination with magic he is a very dedicated servant of the covenant, including a willingness to spend time setting up labs so the magi will not have to.