Japik was born in 1187 in a small fishing village on the Frisian island of Baltrum. He was raised early to follow in his father's footsteps as fisherman, like most of the boys on the island. He loved the sea and often jumped into the water when they were far out on deep waters with the fishing boats. When he was about six years old something changed and people thought he started acting strangely. He loved pranks and making fun of people but they no longer thought it was funny. Even his parents and two brothers thought he was going too far and got annoyed with him. He wasn't allowed to join the main fishing trips, but his father took him on his own once in a while since he knew how much his son loved the sea. Otherwise the boy kept to himself more and more.
One day when he was eight and he had swum over to a small islet from the main island a heron approched him. He had found that animals usually were more friendly to him than people the last few years, but that was mostly domesticated animals. Suddenly the bird changed into a woman. Young Japik was paralysed and didn't make any objections when she started examining him. She told him her name was Ardea and that she would teach him how to control his gift if he met her on the same place on the next fullmoon. She also told him that they would have to travel and that he would probably not see his family in a long time.
So it was that he left his family. He cried when he left only taking a knife that he had got from his father with him. He met with Ardea and they travelled inland to Fengheld where he started his apprenticeship. He never liked the hilltop covenant and missed the sea and fresh fish everyday. So did Ardea but she kept saying that they would get back to the sea one day. It happened in 1203 when they went to Crintera to attend the Gathering of Twelve Years and that was also when Japik was initiated. The resulting Heartbeast came as a surprise to some since he had shown big problems controlling Aquam magic, but those who knew the optimistic ever cheerful prankster well didn't think it was that odd.
After the Gathering Ardea and Japik went west along the Baltic coast and found a small magic aura in a cove with a Creo vis source that Ardea had recieved permission from Crintera to use and guard for a limited time. There they finished Japik's apprenticeship. During the six years he spent there he rescued five sailors from drowning. They all felt dutybound to Japik and decided to stay and help him, one of them becoming his shield grog. He also found a half-wrecked and empty knarr after a storm on a beach which his sailors made sailable again.
He also befriended a magical otter in the cove and when it was time for Japik to leave the young animal joined him.
Japik's mater Ardea told him that she would leave Rhine and go east to Novgorod where she originally came from. She offered him to join her but he wanted to go back to Frisia to look for his own roots again. They parted ways and wished each other well. Japik swam while his six companions sailed the knarr named Baltrum after his home island. The first stop was Lübeck as the ship needed better repair before they went out to harsher sea conditions. Meanwhile Japik visited Oculus Septentrionalis and met a newly-Gauntleted Ex Mischellanea there, Prochorus. Japik told him about his plans to sail to Frisia and invited him to join with his shield grog and servant. Before they had made any morte detailed plans a redcap named Bernhard approached them in a tavern and told them about a prospect that may involve setting up a new covenant. It was too intriguing for the young magi not to accept the invitation to meet him in the city of Anvers in a couple of weeks.
They finished their business in Lübeck, getting the ship ready and transferred some vis into supplies that may be hard to get elsewhere. Before approaching Anvers in Flanders they stopped at Japik's home village on Baltrum but the sights they met were only disaster and sorrow to him. The village was plundered and burnt and no inhabitants remained. They found a few people hiding in a small copse further inland on the island and managed to get some information from them that they had been attacked by pirates and there had been some grotesque men among them. The symbols some of them wore also made Japik's suspicions stronger. That the Waddenzee covenant were the perpetrators.
With a burning hatred starting to grow in his heart they set sail for Anvers.
Japik is quite tall (about 6'0) but thin, some might say lanky. He has blonde shoulderlength hair that rarely gets any attention. Facial hair is non-existent. He has bluegreen eyes that sparkles with energy. He usually wears simple clothes, leather leggings and a woolen or linen tunic depending on weather and temperature.
Int +2, Per +1, Pre -2, Com +1, Str 0, Sta +4, Dex 0, Qik -1
Age: 23 (23)
Size: 0
Confidence: 1 (3)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0 (1)
Personality traits: Positive +3, Prankster +2, Careless +1
Hermetic Magus, The Gift, Heartbeast (free)
Ways of the Sea (major general), Subtle Magic (minor hermetic), Quiet Magic x2 (minor hermetic), Affinity with Imaginem (minor hermetic), Puissant Creo (minor hermetic), Great Stamina (minor general), Inoffensive to Animals (minor hermetic)
Waster of Vis (major hermetic), Optimistic (major personality), Deficient Aquam (minor hermetic), Hatred (minor personality), Weak Enchanter (minor hermetic), Visions* (minor story)
Area Lore: Saxony 2[4] (Frisia), Artes Liberales 1 (astronomy), Athletics 1 (grace), Awareness 2[2] (alertness), Bjornaer Lore 1 (legends), Brawl 2 (dodge), Concentration 2 (while spellcasting), Finesse 1 (imaginem), Heartbeast 3[2] (change to dolphin form), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Low German 5 (Friesian), Magic Theory 3[2] (animal), Parma Magica 1 (mentem), Penetration 1 (imaginem), Profession: Fisherman 2 (finding fish pods), Stealth 2[2] (natural areas), Survival 1[2] (coastal regions), Swim 1[5] (diving)
Creo 5+3, Muto 5[2], Perdo 4, Rego 4
Animal 5, Imaginem 9[2], Terram* 4[1], Vim 3[3]
Phantasm of the Human Form CrIm25 (+21)
Veil of Invisibility PeIm20 (+17)
Wizard's Sidestep ReIm10 (+17)
Beast of the Outlandish Size MuAn15 (+14)
The Earth's Carbunkle* ReTe15 (+12)
Eyes of the Cat MuCo5 (+10)
Unseen Arm* ReTe5 (+12)
Clothe the Naked Form CrHe10 (+12)
Creates a linen garment. (I copied this from Xavi's character as I think it's quite essential for a Bjornaer magus, perhaps more so for an aquatic one as I must be in human form on land but travelling along a coast may be in dolphin form.)
(B3, +1 touch, +2 sun)
The Voice of the Bjornaer Magus MuAn15 (+14)
Allows the caster to speak with a human voice when shapechanged into an animal. Must be cast in animal form. (From HH:MC p36)
R:Per, D:Sun, T: Ind
(B5, +2 Sun)
Japik's spells almost always have a distant laughter attached to it at the end of the duration. Sometimes in less discreet spells it may came at the start of the effect.
Voting sigil
A feather from his mater Ardea's Heartbeast form that was giving to him ritually when he finished his apprenticeship.
Combat stats
Dodge: Init: -1, Defense +2
Fist: Init: -1, Attack +2, Defense +1, Damage 0
Kick: Init: -2, Attack +2, Defense 0, Damage +3
Soak: +4
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)
1209 Autumn: 2 xp each in Awareness, Heartbeast, Stealth, Survival and Muto from adventure. (Pre-saga)
1209 Winter: 11 xp in Terram. Studying at Oculus Septentrionalis from Q11 summa. (Pre-saga)
1210 Spring: 4 xp in Area Lore: Saxony from Exposure while traveling. (Pre-saga)
1210 Summer: 5 xp in Swim from The Sunken Sailor, 2xp in Imaginem from The Wayward Inn.
1210 Autumn: 2 xp Exposure in Magic Theory from setting up lab.
1210 Winter: 9 xp Studying Vim summa.
[size=85]*Changes made after the start of the saga to make the character a bit more useful without changing his general focus. Mentem swapped for Terram, Magical Animal Companion swapped for Visions, Footsteps of Slippery Oil and Doublet of Impenetrable Silk swapped for Unseen Arm and The Earth's Carbunkle.[/size]