Languages of Mythic Europe

I was wondering if anybody had extended the language tables found at the end of the tribunal books (many thanks for that, guys). I have, myself, started looking through Wikipedia and Ethnologue articles, but if anyone here already has a clue about how languages should be grouped (even with blatant simplifications) into skills, I'd be grateful. If not, we could work at it as a forum project, since ArM3-4 tribunal books are unlikely to be rewritten anytime soon.

Ah, it is so funny when half of the grogs can't understand the other half, and magi commit faux-pas from lack of language skills (esp. with The Gift which ensures such things will be interpreted as deliberate slurs).

-- Fruny (who finally could afford buying a replacement laptop 8))

Those pages were written about the modern languages and the first paragraph is blatantly wrong in some cases. Anyway, languages in the 13th century were a bit different.

Yes, covenants in this situation are possible on language borders.

Every valley, every county has a different dialect. Give it up.

No, really - this topic has been hashed over before. If you want realistic, then there's a reason that Latin is the Lingua Franca for nobility and clergy, across all "the educated" across the land.

If you're a Yank, think of the thickest Scottish brogue you can think of; if from the other side of the puddle, the thickest inner city American accent. That is how different "the same" language was, again and again and again, as one travels beyond a couple days from one area to the next.

'Ey, fuggeddabowdidt!

It's a huge challenge to travel - which, oddly enough, was the case in medieval times. Unless you spoke Latin.

Pain for RP, but historically accurate.

I'll just go weep warm tears in the corner of the room. :cry: ... :stuck_out_tongue: