Leap of the Homecoming destination

I wouldn't bother with those Virtues.

You can do what you want, perfectly satisfactorily, with conventional Hermetic magic. The "teleport beacon bow/talisman" is a nice simple idea. I'd save your Virtues for something different.


Tethering Magic is cool, but not really appropriate to this one - having read it, I see it more as something you can use for the "alchemist mage", who brews strange potions and philters, and sells them to adventurers for use on their adventures. This isn't that, so much as finding a neat way to plant Arcane Connections at distant places and then use them.

The neat thing about Leaping to a distant Arcane Connection, of course, is that you can then pick it up and recover it. No need to waste arrows.

Question for the group regarding Leap of Homecoming, then - what would it do, functionally, were the duration to be increased? Would it give you a period of time during which you could move around freely between Arcane Connections? Would it just move you more slowly?

Hmm... never thought about that. I think I would go the other way around. You cast the spell with ONE AC in mind. So you will follow the AC wherever it goes. You will be in fact unable to leave the room where the AC is. But if tyou teleport the AC to another place (shoot it again) you would auto-teleport again to the location of the arrow. In fact it is a fairly cool travel method. You keep shooting the arrow and teleporting over and over again to its location.


Agree with Xavi.

It makes a nice way to bind someone to a place. Each time he tries to leave, he is teleported back.

Sigh Discussion.

It does appear to be the most consistent answer, neh?

That sounds like, with some appropriate Finesse rolls and the fast-casting speciality, it would be an amazing combat technique. An arrow might be a poor thing to use for it, though (due to the long firing time); a thrown rock might be better.

Hermetic tetherball!

Or a thrown... something weird (material). throw an emerald, for example. Then you place a "attract emerald on command word" spell in your ring and there you go with an emerald yo-yo. Nice one. Short range (fast cast) combat teleport has been used quite consistently by a pair of characters in our last sagas. Quite dangerous foes until fatigue overcomes them.


For added fun, have a ReTe(He) spell on the emerald to make it stick to surfaces it wouldn't normally stick to, like tree trunks or castle walls or suchlike. All of a sudden, you're a Hermetic Spiderman.

Mythic Blood.

Well, when you are running around shaking a weapon at the opposition it doesn't matter much if you are the son of King arthur. You are gonna lose fatigue from hitting stuff repeatedly. :slight_smile: if you can teleport, you really need to be spiderman? We are talking nightcrawler here


I was seeing it differently; as a missile combatant who's constantly keeping out of melee range by teleporting around. A sword-wielder would be deadly with the teleportation, but Ars's melee combat system is lethal enough that I would not want to get involved in a melee without armour serious enough to require An and Te requisites for that Leap.

If you're adding the emerald ring, I think we've gotten into a superhero melting pot already.

Xavi looks at green lantern and smacks his head (How didn't I see that before? :laughing: )

You can have a fairly high defence without the need for requisites. make all your straps (tendons) AND armour (muto level hardened leather) be HUMAN in origin, and use a hardened femur as a cudgel and there you go :slight_smile: For the "grogs act as meat shields2 approach, having a defender 8and keeping HIM alive with some minimal rego spells) is enouh to keep yourself out of harm's way.


So in other words, my teleport mage needs to have armour made of HUMAN BEINGS, in order to avoid a +1 magnitude on the spell? I think you're taking the phrase "meat shield" awfully literally there, Xavi.

It's a hard choice. Do I want to look like a hideous monstrous evil sorceror who makes all his trappings out of the skin and bones of his innocent victims, or do I want my spells to be slightly harder?

It doesn't add a magnitude. It just adds casting requisites.


Literal, yup. It is how teleport works. by RAW you teleport naked (plus talisman) if you cast a plain ReCo spell to teleport. If you want to teleport equipped WITHOUT adding requisites ( as callen says, no extra magnitudes, mind you) you need to have your equipment made of human stuff. (Processed) hair tunics and (human) leather pouches are always extremely popular IMS.

This is WAY easier than it seems, and does not need to LOOK like you ripped the heart of your neighbour with a spooky knife in an even spookier chtonic ritual (I love the image of the daughter of Erichto in ROP:I, BTW) for it to work. You can have processed human tissue equipment created already cured/treated/processed, without having to use a real human body to make them in the first place. For large surface material, use ogre or giant tissue. MuCo(Te) hardens it a lot. Low Load, high protection with the application of sensible Muto magics

And an ogre or giant femur makes for a really nice cudgel :slight_smile:


Sure but you might still have to think about doing it to make your finesse roll. And you still have to deal with observant and/or weirdly knowledgeable NPC's recognizing your equipment for what it is. Although I assume Muto, Rego, and Verdi Runes are used to mitigate things like that when possible.
"Is that a kid skin jerkin?"
"Nope even better it's baby." :smiley:
Inversely you might garner the interest or respect of some non humans for your material choices.
"Say those are nice breeches you got there" Say's the Archfiend. "I've got a purse made from a preist's #@%*, he wasn't using it." :wink:
Definitely not a story hook I'd pass up either way.

As I am sitting in a biology lab as I type this and can say with confidence a regular human femur is a serviceable size & shape for this purpose.

Boy, did this thread drift.

But, anyway...I keep seeing "rules as written, you teleport naked if you don't have requisites." But I'm not seeing that in either the guidelines or in the spell descriptions for Seven-League Stride and The Leap of Homecoming.

So, am I missing something here, or are people saying that because the spell is Rego Corpus, that of COURSE it only affects the human body! (which would be raci -rules as commonly interpreted).

HOH:S, p36, has a teleport spell called Wizard's Leap, which specifies "His Talisman comes with him automatically but casting requisites are required to bring along any other clothing or equipment." By analogy, all other teleportation spells work similarly.

since it is only corpus, only corpus affected. IIRC it says something about that when it talks to requisites. In the flambeau section of HOH I recall something regarding this as well but will need to check, so serf's parma.

And yes, it drifted :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, so next question: does the requisite for Herbam, Animal, Terram, Auram, what have you, necessarily add a magnitude? Or is it (arguably) one that "simply allows the spell to have its effect" as opposed to one that "adds an effect to a spell" which does add a magnitude?