Lets design a Tribunal Fair

You do not need a crime to make a war.


You know, there is the Code and there are the different factions. Just look at the Constituiton of the US for Ex. It should be a clear set of rules.
But if you are on one side, you consider the rules supporting your wants and needs, and if you are on the other side you see the rules as supportive to your clearly conflicting wants/needs as your opposing faction seems them.
So I can easily imagine a situation when you as a Quesitor start an investigation to cool the mood. You are totally aware of the potential outcome of big fat nothing, but it is a good tool to deescalate a situation. Like when the police IRL says : "We will conduct a comprehensive investigation and we ask everybody to be patient while we are doing our job!"


This small stall is occupied by a single maga in a purple robe. Apart from the maga the entire stall is full of dried fruits, seeds, pods, bags and jars all containing what appears to be more fruits and seeds, as well as jars of jam, jugs with exotic wines, sweets and any other imaginable fruit product. None of the fruits look like any known fruit, nor do the seeds look like anything recognizable, though on closer inspection many of them appear to slightly resemble the fruiting bodies of known plants.

There are weirdly familiar but exotic looking potted plants in the stall: Stinging nettles bearing apple sized fuzzy looking fruits, Heather bearing stand of grape-like fruits, A small juniper with juicy looking berries etc.

The maga claims to be able to cause any plant to create fruits and she is willing to sell the seeds necessary to plant these supernatural plants. The wares including things like acornfruit jam, lindenberry wine, basically anything fruit derived product you can imagine, but from a plant that doesnt normally bear fruit.

For a bigger fee the maga will even travel to nearby covenants and cast the spell on plants that the covenant desires, in case she hasnt thought to create a fruit-bearing version of whatever is their favorite plant. Though she has no control over the appearance or flavor of the new fruit.

The backstory here is that the maga has recently invented a version of the CrHe spell that causes a plant to grow to full maturity in the span of a single day/night. However because she invented the spell using experimentation she ended up with an interesting side effect: The targeted plant will always bear an edible fruit once the spell has run its course, and the plant will be forever changed such that it bears these fruits instead of whatever fruit it normally bears.

Any input on what this needs in terms of correction or fleshing out in order to be publishable on the proper list?


A rough write-up of the Magi. This could be just a paragraph description of appearance and personality (what I have been doing). It does not need to be heavy, just give an SG something to go off of when running interactions at the shop. How do you envision them being portrayed. Right now the only thing we have to go off of is they wear a purple robe and created a spell by experimentation.

A short blurb for each of the major products/product categories/services that they are selling. You have much of this for several already as product categories (Fruits, Plants, Seeds). Maybe come up with a single 'specific fruit product' to help jump-start an SG's imagination. You hint at some (acornfruit jam, lindenberry wine) so pick one and give it a paragraph blurb in the products section with things like appearance, flavor, scent, and any effects.

Are they offering all of their products to everyone? If not then what do others need to do to be able to buy certain ones needs to be in the individual product description. This could be as simple as being friendly and engaging with them (I don't sell this to donkey wells), some challenge (eat a hot pepper), etc etc.

Overall it looks good.


Really like the play suggestions for her. She could be a very memorable encounter.


I really like this post-a-day from @raccoonmask and think it would be right at home at a Tribunal Fair. I won’t replicate the whole post, but Akakios offers the unusual bargains you’d expect from a faerie — trading your destiny for a stone of luck, or your fears for a gauntlet of might; with mechanics to match.

I think some of the bargains might have house rules, but nevertheless it’s good food for thought.



Information and Complaints Booth.
The House of Guernicus knows when there is trade, there is the chance of scams, theft, and claims of wrongdoing. The information and Complaints booth is an attempt to minimise this.

The magi running the booth constantly changes and is always young. House Guernicus wont send the equivalent of a supreme court judge to small claims court. This booth is seen as a good starting point for young Quaesitors to get some experience.

It is a small booth with books containing commentary on other booths supplied by previous customers. Anyone can submit a testimonial, however, the Quaesitor will vet the testimonial for accuracy, and if it is accurate, will add the testimonial to the books.

The only consideration is accuracy. To use some of the previous entries as an example.
Comments on Quaesitors trying to march Marcus is fact and would be in the booth, rumours of his Diabolism can't be proven thus wont be in the testimonials. Comments by customer who were greatly annoyed my Miratius's service will be there.

While the testimonials must be accurate, the person at the booth is often happy to gossip and indulge in idle speculation.

Prior to the fair starting, the Quaesitor will investigate every booth for any diabolic influences, potential magical or mundane traps, and basically anything which might assist in plans to indulge in foul play during the fair.

The Quaesitor will settle disputes. To stop frivolous claims, any person submitting a dispute must offer up 1 vis. If the Quaesitor determines the dispute was frivolous, the 1 pawn of vis will be surrendered to the subject of the complaint.

The Quaesitor being young, is given a few items to assist investigations. An item which can identify curses and diabolic auras. An item which can cast frosty breath of the spoken lie with good penetration. An item which can send a message to a senior Quaesitor, who will use the leap of homecoming to arrive at the site. It is generally seen as bad form to call the senior Quaesitor, so this is only done in extreme cases.

Potential character interactions

  1. The Quaesitor has identified something wrong in the fair and asks the PCs to investigate.
  2. The store has an older Quaesitor there. He is there because there is a cloud over him. The SG can choose, suspected diabolism, accepting bribes, whatever works. He is extremely bitter, and will advise anyone the whole thing is rubbish and he did nothing wrong. It could be used as a story seed to clear his name.
  3. It's a nice exposition mechanic to give the PCs information on the fair. It could add a bit of flair and personality, as the Quaesitor tells of the people running the stores, instead of just a physical description of what the PCs see.
  4. The PCs could lodge a complaint, or be subject to a complaint.
  5. If a PC is a Quaesitor, work in the fair meets his obligation to do Quaesitor work.

Depending on the nature of the investigation I dont see magi willingly submit to an inspection by a quaesitor on a justification as flimsy as "I might find something on some of you if I investigate all of you".


There would clearly be a jurisdiction issue, however, those who refused; it will be reported they refused their booth being inspected.

Who knows, it might draw some people to a certain booth, knowing they wont bow down to "the man". :slight_smile:

You should consider that the whole Order is about giving the freedom and the right to be not bothered to the society of magi. This kind of "you are guilty if you do not cooperate" mindset is nice for the inquisition, but not for magi, and actually against the spirit of the Code.


We have too little Tytalus causing havoc at this fair. =]

There is some handwaving in the end, but the first part should be usable by anyone.

Erastrus' Eristic Moot Booth: The Spectacular Battle of Wits Between Magi!!!

Type: Entertainment

Description: A magus sits in a chair at the middle of an open space. At his side a sign reads "challenge me". There is no booth.

Background: Erastrus is keen to hone his debating abilities. He invites any passerby, magi or not, to an argument, just for the sake of arguing (Tip: for bonus points, change his name from Erastrus to Barnard). Things like your opinion on yesterday's supper, or the clothes he is wearing. He is also open to debating specific fields, such as the latest developments of Magical Theory or the true nature of angels.


  • Pure discussion: use the rules for debate presented in HoH:S p.90, which better represent an argument for the sake of arguing.
  • Academic discussion: if discussing an academic topic, use the rules for disputatio (A&A p.104). In this case use any relevant hermetic reputation instead of the Academic Reputation for the Resistance Total.

Topics for Discussion: If pure discussion, anything. One favorite of Erastrus is arguing that there is a booth (either an invisible one or a metaphorical one), while the challenger claims there isn't. Another favorite is to claim they are (or are not) having an argument. For academic discussion, the abilities for the disputatio should be expanded to include Magic Theory, Realm Lore, Code of Hermes, or even Arts.

Winner: It doesn't matter! Arguing is fun! But Erastrus is willing to bet a pawn against certain selected opponents.

Erastrus stats To present a better challenge Erastrus should have 5 in all of Folk Ken, Artes Liberales, Charm, Guile and Leadership, and at least a 7 in Intrigue, which means he is at least 10 years out of gauntlet. He prefers a balanced approach to debating, with no weak abilities.

The Plot Thickens

(NOTE: Everything below can be safely ignored. There is some degree of improvisation in it, and it's not really necessary for the Eristic Moot Booth to be interesting. If desired you can also just handwave everything below.)

Erastrus uses this debates to subtly probe the challenger on his position concerning certain social topics in a hidden way. For example, inside what seems like a theological discussion (academic or not) about Mc 12,13-17 (Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s) Erastrus might be actually probing the challenger on his stance about House Bonisagus claiming other people apprentices. Hidden in a debate about "is butter better than milk?" he might be ascertaining what would be your position on the topic "is a magi better than an apprentice?".

Probing: When Erastrus is probing someone his arguments become weaker (less logical, more easily counteracted). He isn't even really trying to defend his point. Erastrus starts the discussion with a discussion fatigue level (see debate/disputatio rules).

Discerning the enemy: At the end of the debate, roll Com + Intrigue for Erastrus. On a 12+ Erastrus determines what is the political position of the challenger on the hidden subject. Optionally, add the argument strength to Erastrus roll (it doesn't matter if he won or lost, he gets a positive bonus).

Noticing the deception: if an observer (including the challenger) succeeds on a Per+Intrigue check against Erastrus Com+Guile by 3+ he realizes there is something going on. By 6+ he discerns the hidden topic. If the challenger notices that something is going on he can choose to lose/end the debate (usually in a pathetic way). If he realizes the hidden topic he can try to reveal nothing (-3 for the debate totals) or to mislead Erastrus (-6 for the debate and -3 for the guile check, since it will be easier for Erastrus to spot inconsistences). Either way he gains a Com+Guile roll against Erastrus Com+Intrigue (and the table on the right column of HoH:TL p. 24 should then be used).

What is in it for Erastrus: First and foremost, Erastrus thinks it is fun to force people do divulge positions that they themselves might even be unaware of. He usually sells the information he gets. Eg., if he learns someone is against a certain move from Durenmar he can either sell this info to Fengheld/Dankmar or to Durenmar. Sometimes he will sell the info to both sides. Most info is traded for other info, or favors.


This is a good idea - fairs and markets historically had regulators to resolve disputes, so the Quaesitores just having someone there magi can go to is sensible. And giving the job to a junior Quaesitore (or even a senior apprentice, though they will not have Quaesitorial authority) is good training. I don't think they need to do pre-investigation though, and that's not the style of 5th ed Quaesitores. They simply need to be ready to resolve disputes as they arise.

Could the Tribunal host require accepting such resolution as a condition of selling at the fair?


Easy to win that one. This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction.

Now I've had the chance to drop an old reference, to realistically comment.
It's a quirky "booth", and I like the sting in the tail; of finding out the beliefs the person debating Erastrus didn't even realise they held.


Looks good, are you going to add it to the collection?

I was waiting to see if anyone else had suggestions for improvement. I'll add as soon as I can.

The Hermetic Theater

Type: Entertainment


You approach a man and asks about the stage being prepared by a group of what seem to be itinerant artists. You are pretty sure it wasn't there this morning.

"You have never seen the Hermetic Theater? Melpomene of Bonisagus is the director. The woman over there, in the green dress. No, the other one, the blonde. She travels the Order with her theater going from Tribunal to Tribunal... but I thought she was going to Thebes this year! We got lucky!"


Melpomene is a Trianomae with a passion for the history of the Order. As a kid she loved watching mystery plays. After her gauntlet she begun to roam the world, and got in love again with theater from several different places. Finally, a few decades ago, she started to write "mystery" plays to narrate the big events of the Order. Her masterpiece is "The Peregrinations of Trianoma", were she retells Trianoma's travels to meet the twelve founders. While not being exactly historically accurate (for example, Trianoma only manages to convince Tremere after defeating him in Certamen, which wouldn't exist for a few years when they first met), it is loved by the public.

The actors are mundane, but Melpomene sometimes invites magi for special participations, or to help with certain special effects outside of her capabilities. She uses CrIg for lighting, CrIm or CrHe for objects and props, and the occasional CrMe to remind an actor who forgot the next line. A multitude of mundane stage tricks is also used. It's usually free to watch the plays, but a few mundanes go around the audience selling salty food and drinks.

The plays reinforce themes like the lawlessness before the Order, the necessity of a strong Code, Bonisagus and Trianoma (sacred) roles in the foundation of the Order, etc. House Bonisagus likes her plays very much. Besides "Peregrinations" other plays include "Join or Die!", "The Temptations of the Devil" (about house Tytalus corruption), "Through Arcadia the Wanderer Goes" (where a mortal travels to the realm of the fairies and meets several figures from hermetic history) and "The Witty Jack" (a story about a clever Redcap who solves various problems with a few simple enchanted items and his cunning), the Magus and the Dragon (were a magus breaches several parts of the Code, messes up with a dragon and ends up being eaten alive. It's actually a very funny play). She is currently working on a play about whatever would get her in contact with your troupe (the Solomonic Order if there is someone from the East, the life of Guernicus if there is a Quesitor to inquire, the forbbiden love between a magus and a noblewoman if there is someone with noble blood, etc), and she would love some feedback on it.


Creating the Stage of Hermes (CrHe 30)
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind
The spell creates a fixed stage with trapdoors, cranes and machinery required for a play. The spell was developed through experimentation and has a minor flaw: there is always a slight mismatch in planks, beams and boards. This causes the construction to look a bit rustic, unprofessional even. The floor is squeaky, and the trapdoors sometimes get stuck. But Melpomene thinks it's better this way; the theater has personality.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 size, +1 elaborate shape, +1 complexity)

Melponeme: Prideful +1, Free-spirited +2, Moralistic +1.

Story Seeds

  1. The next play will begin soon, but the actress who plays Trianoma can't be found anywhere. Melpomene asks you to find her. Is she just burned out from rehearsing too much, or is something else at play?

  2. The next play will begin soon, but the actress who plays Trianoma can't be found anywhere. Melpomene asks you to replace her.

  3. There is the symbol of a mystery cult hidden in the background of a scene. What does this means? Who put it there? Is Melpomene related to the cult?

  4. A Flambeau didn't like the way the founder was represented (wrong hair color, wrong height, too wrathful, not wrathful enough... choose it). Melponeme refuses to apologize or make amends. Can you de-escalate the situation? If not, what is going to happen?

  5. The stage is ablaze!!! Was this really just a CrIg sponted spell that got out of control?

Anyone who watches a play can put adventure XP or exposure XP in OoH Lore in that season.


Forgive my lack of activity in this thread. All my brain power has been getting diverted to the Fan Grimoire Project that hasn't been used for my own game and so I haven't been able to design anything new. Might be a while but I'll get back to this and crank out some more events/vendors.


I am new here, can I ask a question?


Sure, Stuart, that's the purpose of the forum. Welcome, btw :slight_smile:

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It's Tribunal time again, and we traditionally have a fair, including magically produced mundane goods, various services, and exemplar books and magic or superior items.

It occurs to me that some or much of the fair is in pre-owned goods, including magic items.

So, what are commonly available magic items? They would probably be lesser enchantments, presumably, and probably the sorts of things any junior master can produce, but would be sold at a low vis price.

Lighting, obviously, from glowing stones to flameless lamps.

Fire starters, probably for covenfolk.


Food preserving chests.
