Three days after Tranquillina reads the letter above, she enlists a Redcap to make a delivery directly to Reynault, with no stops in between. The following letter, professionally scribed (with the initial "T" even illuminated) upon vellum of highest quality, is received at Mons Electi scarcely a month after the previous one Tranquillina sent, which was written simply like all the ones before it.
To Apollodorus Jerbitonis, filius Astrolabe[sup]1[/sup], Princeps of the Covenant of Mons Electi, Normandy Tribunal: My most honored salutations.
In our correspondence to date, I have hinted at my interest in joining you at the founding of your new covenant. It would be remiss of me not to communicate my many qualifications that position me as well-suited to your search.
I have held membership in the Order of Hermes for three decades, since my Theoretical Interview with House Bonisagus was deemed superlatively successful in 1193. Immediately I earned a reputation as a skillful manipulator of the human form, and by now am recognized as on par with the eldest magi in Stonehenge where Corpus magic is concerned. The potency of my Hermetic influence extends also to the mind and to images, and those who know me have called my magic faultless and durable. I am most familiar with the methods of loss and destruction, but none of the Hermetic verbs are foreign to me - I could initiate an apprentice in any or all of these Techniques (sadly the opportunity to take an apprentice has not yet arisen for me here). I have nearly a dozen formulaic inventions to my credit to date, several of them with no aid but the legends of our sodales' power. My proficiency with enchantments is equally robust: with the aid of my talisman I can take the form of a wolf, move invisibly about, yet still converse in Latin without trouble; and I have designed my own specimen cases which magically preserve the extensive collection of Corpus samples from my laboratory. I trust that the enclosed quotations from my work will reinforce this description of my abilities.
While I strive to exemplify my Bonisagi lineage through these magical investigations, I am proud to say that I embrace the Trianomae way as well as circumstances allow. I have been instrumental in assisting Maximianus in one covenant foundation, that of Nigrasaxa fifteen years ago, and can bring valuable experience to the founding of another. My active role as mediator among the Stonehenge covenants has resulted in an unprecedent improvement in collaborative Hermetic activity; I was the second-in-command to Maximianus as we organized and hosted the Stonehenge Tribunal meeting of 1201 - this in a tribunal that had not seen a quorate meeting since I passed my Gauntlet. I am an excellent judge of character when interacting with the ungifted, and my familiarity with mundane law can be a great asset to Mons Electi's dealings with agents of the Church and officers of your local duchy.
I encourage you to verify these confident claims by any means; certainly there are two venerable members of my House, Maximianus and Tria, who know me deeply and whose opinion is respected throughout the Order. You will not regret considering my application, good sir.
By our common Oath, I leave you, most respectfully,
Tranquillina Bonisagi filia Maximianus
(Included in the delivery are three separate pages, containing excerpts from personal laboratory notes (hastily translated into Latin); the first concerns a Rego Corpus spell of some sort, the second an Intellego Imaginem spell, and the last a Creo Corpus enchantment.)
[sup]1[/sup] Tranquillina will certainly include the name of Apollodorus's parens, if she knows it or can find out from the Redcap. Int 3 + Order of Hermes Lore (lineages) 2 + simple die 5 = 10. (Or maybe she's stressed....)